"I'm getting famous?"

Zod spent the next couple days hashing out the details of the cooperation with Ulysses Klaue to make sure there were no loopholes or ways for him to screw Zod over.

Knowing how sly Klaue is, Zod has no doubt he will try to undercut his share whenever possible.

This only reinforces Zod's thoughts on building up some reliable subordinates. He already has a few choices; it will just take some time to hire them.

During the next couple weeks, the headlines in the news was filled with Reed and his crew along with Victor Von Doom's slowly collapsing business empire.

Zod told Kelex to keep him informed on what is going on and when the inevitable fight between the four and Doom will happen.

While the tension between the two parties was slowly rising, Zod was circling the nation of Wakanda to find the dome that shields the actual nation and not the decoy that everyone believes is real.

Using his reality warping powers to make the light refract around him and make him invisible, Zod then turned on his x-ray vision and finally found the shield that looks like a mountain to the regular human eye.

In his initial plan, he had thought of barging in and stealing the vibranium using force. To his knowledge, while the nation is advanced beyond the rest of the world, it has no direct threat to him barring the appearance of Bast.

However, he felt it was best to sneak in and make it seem as if it was Klaue that stole the vibranium. This guy was the perfect scapegoat to take the heat off Zod.

If Klaue heard Zod's thoughts he would probably shout "I'm innocent...this time!"

In this way he would still maintain a neutral relationship with Wakanda for the time being while making a fortune. Two birds, one stone.

Zod hovered towards the shield while using his warping powers to simultaneously make himself invisible to radar and create heavy truck tracks leading towards the shield on the ground.

This time Zod is going to use reality warping in a way that he hasn't tried before. Point-to-Point teleportation. While his warping field is only 10 meters (30 ft), it is enough to bypass the Wakandan energy field.

He then deconstructs himself at the atomic level along with his armor and before it reaches his head he wills his power to reconstruct himself on the other side, while finishing the deconstruction on his body that is outside the shield.

Zod feels no pain throughout the process, only calmly seeing himself disappear and reappear on the other side. He watches as his head that is floating outside stares at him without blinking as it disappears bit by bit, the refracted light field not stopping his vision of himself.

He's slightly relieved that it worked, even though he had full faith that it would pan out.

Before the sensors surrounding the field can locate the intruder, he spreads his field out continuing the invisibility and anti-radar.

Zod continues to make tracks along the way as he uses his vision to see past dirt and bedrock to the underground vibranium mine in the distance.

The next few hours are spent making it look like a crew of men had built an underground tunnel leading towards the mine.

The tunnel finally ended at the outer wall of the mine as Zod used his powers to mine out several hundred pounds of vibranium, making sure it looks mechanically accomplished. He then extended his field to cover the vibranium while flying back to the shield, the Wakandans unaware of his heist so far.

It's only after he leaves and is on his way to Klaue's ship that a patrolling guard from the Border Tribe discover the tracks and the entrance to the tunnel.

Following that, the whole nation went on high alert while King T'Chaka and his ministers were cursing at the top of their lungs.

Meanwhile, Klaue is salivating over the mound of vibranium sitting in the hold of the ship, his subordinates cheering at the top of their lungs, and a couple of them shooting their guns over their heads, not realizing they are surrounded by reinforced steel. Needless to say, that area was filled with cursing and wailing.

Zod cast an unimpressed glance at them before focusing on Klaue who was rubbing his palms together like a greedy goblin from a fantasy novel.


Hearing Zod's prompt, Klaue reluctantly moved his eyes away from the small hill of vibranium before speaking to Zod,

"This is at least several billion dollars. You're a goddamn miracle maker is what you are mate. It will take a few weeks to set up the sales and collect the money, but I can guarantee we'll be so rich that the Arab Sheiks would be jumping out of their robes in fright!"

Klaue ended his speech with a full-bellied laugh while Zod allowed himself to crack a small smile. If only he knew that Wakanda's bloodlust towards him had reached a new height.

"I'll send you the account number later, make sure you don't screw me over. Losing all your limbs from my heat vision isn't the worst punishment I have in mind."

Leaving that threat behind, Zod exited the ship through same hole in the ship's hull he made before that was recently patched up.



On the streets of New York City, a fierce fight was taking place between Johnny Storm who had all of the Fantastic Four's powers combined inside of himself, and the armored Doom on the other side.

The fight continues as the rest of the four gather together and try to overcome Doom.

On a nearby skyscraper, Zod is sitting on the roof looking at the fight going on while examining the surrounding areas.

He notices a few blacked out SUV's a distance away from the fight, one of them with a balding Phil Coulson sitting in the seat, using a high-end video camera to record the fight.

Maximizing his sense of hearing, Zod filters out the background noise of the city and the fight, extending his hearing over a hundred miles away to the Triskelion where Nick Fury's office is located.

"-nd you better not get shaky hands Coulson, I need that footage to be top quality! Where the hell are these people popping up from, next thing you know we'll get some kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde character next! What did you say, they are making some kind of fire tornado?! Make sure the civilians are evacuated…"

Zod then tunes out Fury's ranting and refocuses on the fight below. The climax of the fight is happening as Reed seems to have figured out a way to defeat Doom.

The fire tornado disappears as the Thing breaks a fire hydrant while Reed is giving his victory monologue.

The water from the hydrant cools down Doom, freezing the almost molten Doom in place, ending the fight.

Zod stays for the aftermath as Coulson approaches the Fantastic Four to try and introduce S.H.I.E.L.D. and hopefully acquire the Doom statue as either a prisoner or experimental specimen.

Reed and Phil start an argument on Doom's fate until Reed throws in the fact that Doom is technically Latveria Royalty and should be sent back to his nation because of diplomatic immunity or some other legal reason.

Knowing the outcome of Doom's fate, Zod tells Kelex to find the cargo ship that will be heading to Latveria in the next couple days.


A few days later…

Zod touched down on the cargo ship after flying towards it while it was en route to the nation of Latveria.

In the last couple days Zod brainstormed on how to deal with Victor. The main cause of concern when it comes to Doom is that he later uses technology to go to the past and learn magic from the powerful Morgan Le Fay.

While magic is less of a threat to Zod now that he has reality warping, it is still one of the most bullshit powers in the comics. Many impossible feats can be achieved through different types of magic, and he is not ready to believe his reality warping can make him completely invulnerable to magic.

Zod entered the container that held Doom and stared at his eyes through the containment cell.

He then wrapped his warping field around Doom and mentally gave it the command to block Doom's ability to use magic and make it impossible to reach out to other dimensions to draw power.

The only way to break what he has done is to find another reality warper to undo what Zod has done.

While it would have been easier to kill Doom, the chance to work with him later on or use him as a pawn without his knowledge is a great opportunity that shouldn't be wasted.

Zod then makes some hairline cracks in his armor to help him escape his prison later on before leaving the container and flying back to his estate in Texas for some sunbathing.


Meanwhile in another part of the galaxy…

A door inside a ship opened with a hiss as a green skinned alien rushed inside the captain's cabin.

"Carol, you need to see this!"

A blonde-haired woman in a red and gold suit with a star on her chest that accentuated her bust, turned around on her chair to face the alien that walked in.

"What is it this time? Did the Kree finally get some sense after all of the beatings I've given them?" The woman, Carol, asked exasperated.

"Well, someone else gave them a beating this time. One of our undercovers in the Kree military heard news that an enhanced human foiled their plan on Terra all by himself, destroying a Sentry and making Ronan escape."

Carol raised an eyebrow in surprise before humming to herself,

"Looks like I need to visit an old friend and see what's going on lately."


Introducing the female love interest Captain Marvel Carol Danvers! This isn't going to be a harem.