Prologue: The Dragon Gem

In the beginning there was nothing, then something, and then I brought it to nothing again. Once there was a world that I thought would go on forever, but the moment I left it became tainted. I destroyed it all. I stayed in the dark nothingness for a long time before I heard the cries. Again I created from the safety of this dark throne. This time I would not be attached. I promised myself. I swore but... it was something I made, I created, my children were all there. I left the throne and descended.

I brought my aid ***, the only friend I had left from before. This time, I told myself there would be rules...

1st: There would be three pillars to whom will rule the world and they must take the oath of flame to not misuse their powers. The three pillars shall be: The Sky, the Sun, and the Moon.

2nd: There would be no god, no worshippers

3rd: The denizens must take care of the land

4th: Everyone and everything would one day meet its end.

I had already seen so much heartbreak, I had no need for worship this time. I had seen corrupt power, I would not allow it. People would take care of the land and uphold the laws, and nothing would be allowed to continue forever. Without change the world would not grow.

I taught the people how farm, to craft, to rule, and to protect. I gave them knowledge for medicine. They grew, much more than I had expected. I enjoyed my time with them. What I hadn't anticipated was a fourth pillar. They came and stole the gem- my soul. By the time I had regained my senses *** had stabbed me through. My last breath was taken in the dark room that was my throne.