“Don’t come back without my Daughter-in-law.”

Luka continued to wash his hole. There was another knock at the door. Luka whimpered.

"Luka? I'm coming in." His mother announced. The door creaked open and before Chi could come in was slammed shut. Chi pounded on the door as Sara locked it.

"Mom..." Luka whimpered, "it won't stop coming out."

"Well, he is an omega. He was bound to meet his true mate eventually." Sara smiled at her family. Luka shrunk further into himself as Eli, Maya, Chi, and even Jay zeroed in on him.

"You mean that guy earlier? Stiffy Man is my precious little brother's mate?" Chi asked.

"Absolutely not! My little Luka will not be involved with such a pervert!" Eli shouted. His little son was still young... not anywhere close to leaving the nest... but Sara just smiled.

"I still remember how big yours got when we first met, dear!" She giggled.

"Whoa! We don't need to know that!" Chi growled. Maya sighed, shaking her head. Eli turned to Chi again.

"So? Who's the little fucker who scared my little boy?"

Meanwhile, the said fucker's family was having a similar conversation...

John Ires watched his mother pace about the floor. The dead stuffed trophies of her conquests... well the ones her warrior husband brought home after she sent him to fight- watched her in fear. The alpha was beginning to see red.

"So, you want to tell me why my son- an alpha and the next first warrior of the Empire- was walking home fully erect? In public?" Suki Ires- the empires strategist that planned and won a thousand battles- asked. John looked away.

"No comment." He muttered.

Suki could have laughed.

"Right. No comment..." she strode to the stuffed demon bear from three conquests ago when the leader had used the monster to terrorize a town and pet its fur absentmindedly, "Yes. That is how you put it, wasn't it?" She chuckled again before punching a gaping hole through its face, "Well don't blame me for the outcome if you tell me that lame excuse again!" Fluff erupted and plastered the wall behind it. Almost as if her first had come into contact with something alive and splattered it's brains across the wall. Max hugged his wife.

"Now, Pookie bear! I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for that kind of thing!" He snuggled into her neck and nipped at it. He gave a pointed look at his son, a silent message. 'I'm giving you this extra chance. Don't scree it up!'

John sighed.

"I met my fated mate today. He crashed into me and..."

"Left you bereft..." Max finished. John growled at his father. Suki was quiet.

"And?" Her question was so silent that neither of them could tell if they'd imagined it.

"Snookie?" Max asked.

"So what's his name? What did he look like? How did he react? Details! I need details!"

"I don't know."

"What?" Suki was dumbfounded. She gave birth to an alpha son who lost his fated mate after the first meeting? Who didn't get a name? She stood over him, arms crossed, and leaned into her sons face.

"I. Want. Some. Grandchildren!"

"His pheromones were strong, I can track him easily. It's a surprise he hasn't been taken yet with that strong of a smell." John leaned back against the couch.

"Well?! Go find him then!" Suki snapped her fingers and two guards appeared at her side.

"Don't come back without my daughter-in-law." Suki told him.

Within minutes, John was out on the street with a door slammed in his face. The guards were going to have hell when he drilled them in training this afternoon...