Knock-Knock! Who's There? GRRR!

Ever felt like life wasn't exactly what you expected it to be? Sometimes you're just doing a job and wondering how you got to this point. Well, this was how Josh felt at this instant: 

[Mission: Steal the Golden Femur.] 

What kind of crazy guy would steal a femur? Actually, what kind of nut-job would have a golden femur in the first place? But that wasn't the worst. 

[New Tower Policy: Rewards diminished if Floor has been cleared on any other lower difficulty beforehand.] 

That really sucked. The only saving grace was the information available online about the normal and hard difficulties. It wasn't actually that surprising. The Tower had done it for the duels already. Josh hesitated for a few seconds before resolutely selecting Hellish. 

[Hellish difficulty selected. Have fun!] 

That's when the surroundings changed. It all became even gloomier. It only lacked Boss music for the perfect 'Get ready to die' ambiance.