The Most Epic Horsie!

Josh couldn't help but smile as he fiddled with his UW. He was getting updates on the situation in real-time. He was home, in the dark, grinning—no spookiness intended. 

He had recently learned about Draconic's team system. The gold-ranked had the privilege to be the single numeral teams.

There was team 1 headed by Dario, team 2 headed by Lilly (the newbies), and team 7 headed by Emsee. Why 7? Obviously, for the luck! 

Josh was now browsing Team 7's chat: 

- Golden Knight: The deed is done. We have vanished like smoke in a gray fog. The 500 spots have been filled instantly, with many waiting to take their spot. Welner should be fine if no one causes trouble. Mission accomplished!

- Evil Mastermind: Good Job! I'm proud of you guys. The turnover was better than I expected. With this, they should be busy enough not to bother Climbers anymore. Also, what's with this nickname you gave me?!