Josh, Yours Forever…XOXO

In the largest ship of the Black Fleet, a man was happily going around the commanding deck. He observed the different navigation instruments with the innocence and the enthusiasm of a kid left alone at Build-A-Rabbit. 

"Look at this! It looks so awesome! Is that a radar?!" Josh asked excitedly. 

"Y-yes." Answered a soldier that was at a complete loss. What kind of weird VIP was this?! Also, why come in a flying car if he was going to abandon it anyway? Now someone had to drive it back! 

"Oh, is this sleek interface how you guys control the ship? Do you have a button to activate the Nitro to go faster?" 

"K-kinda, but it's not that simple." 

"What about the weaponry? How does it all work?" Josh asked once more. 

"I'm really not at liberty to talk about that…."