Tower Update!

With a flash of red light, a man spawned in the rocky world that was Floor 22. 

Josh quickly observed his surroundings, only to come face to face with a hideous creature. Right in front of him, there was a human-sized cockroach that was standing on its hind legs. 


It was brown, had six spiky legs, a dark sturdy-looking carapace, two long antennas, and two mandibles that could crack a skull open with ease. The weird thing was that it was just staring at him! It didn't seem aggressive in the least! 

It was so steady that he could even see his own reflection in the creature's black soulless shiny eyes. Josh tentatively moved closer, wondering what was up with it. That's when it opened its mandibles wide. Was it trying to devour him?! 

A second later, he could hear this:

"HeLlO FeLlOw tRaVeLeR." It said.