Deadly Bridge!

In front of the natural rocky bridge, there was a nightmare getting lectured by an overenthusiastic man. 

"Every ma—horse has the potential to be a great hero! But, how does one become such a legendary being? Easy, it all boils down to unearthing one's potential in the moments that count the most!" Josh preached. 

The nightmare on the receiving end of this speech was trying to figure out what Josh was talking about. It was much more interested in knowing how much longer it had to carry this annoying cockroach. But, the tirade was far from over…

"Today is one of these moments! Do you see this bridge? …Yes? Perfect, it means you have eyes! But, this path isn't as simple as it seems. It is not only a bridge but also a challenge. Would there be such a thing in the Tower just for decoration? Of course not!" 

Nightmare was at a loss. A bridge that wasn't a bridge? What was its master even rambling about? It patiently waited for it all to make sense.