Magical Miss Dryad


His day started with an overexcited alarm clock: a small human that was giggling to herself in happiness. 

"Josh, Josh, Josh! Wake up! Today's the day!" The little one's voice pulled him away from his dreams. 

"Is it the weekend?" He grumbled. She wouldn't be this excited for school, right? 

"No! Today's the school trip! Remember, you're going with us, and it will be awesome! Hurry up and get dressed already!" She exclaimed with so much drive that it was almost unreal. 

"Fine, fine, fine. Just let me drink a couple of gallons of coffee and I'll be right there." He sleepily mumbled while driving his body away from the warmth at his side. 

The woman he loved was asleep, her breathing serene and her face more beautiful than anything. The creases of worries were slowly disappearing as they settled in their new life. They were poor, but they had everything they needed.