Cleaner Jackson

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

At the door of a desolate building, a man was scratching his head in annoyance. It was supposed to be his day off, yet he had received a new job out of the blue! 

The message Jackson had received was concise yet cryptic. Apparently, there was a VIP in town who needed his help. He didn't know the client nor the job but he hoped there wouldn't be too many bodies. 

It took him a while to find the right place, one that was on the outskirt of Metropolis-D. It was frankly one that would have the brain of anyone attentive ringing with alarm bells. It was the perfect place for a murder. 

He couldn't fathom what kind of dumbass would willingly come to this obviously sketchy place. Did this mean that this new client had forcefully kidnapped someone? Was this all premeditated? Couldn't the client finish the job himself?