New Slaves

A man could be seen peacefully exiting the golden Wolves' training area.

A few minutes ago, Josh had been in a life-or-death staring contest with a Climber from Adamantium Wolves. This was right after he had killed one of their members! One would have expected an epic showdown of good versus evil! Nope...

The reality was far more pragmatic. To better understand the event, one needed to know that for true mercenaries, loyalty was everything! ...Well, in theory. 

They really had to be loyal:

1. Loyal to the coins— or credits in this case. Getting paid was the prerequisite of any job in the circle. They were putting their lives on the line, so the remuneration had to be there! 

2. Loyal toward the guild. Traitors would be found out and made an example off. Well, this one was quite similar in all organizations.