New Ally? (1/2)

The two men facing one another basked in green light.

Josh was pondering the man's question. What should he do about the Gemini members? He was confident that he couldn't defeat them in a head-on battle. What if he could enlist the help of this mysterious man. 

"What I will do will depend. Would you help me deal with them?" He directly asked. 

"Oh? Why would you trust me?" The man asked, confused. 

"I don't believe you have any reason to be my enemy. Otherwise, we wouldn't be talking so peacefully, am I right? You don't seem to harbor any hate for me, only curiosity."

"Hum, I see your point. Tell me the fate that you wish them to suffer, and I will give you an answer."

"I want to kill their leader. I have already agreed to have a meeting with him, and yet he still wishes to torture me to extract information." Josh uttered. 

"What about the others?"