LoA Hideout!

As Josh showed up at the door of the LoA test area, he couldn't help but find the scene strange.

The place had already been turned into a small vegetable market, no trace of the mysterious meeting area for the LoA. What the hell? 

As he paced around, he suddenly felt a gaze on him. It was coming from a small tomato vendor, one who was wearing an old jacket stained with tomato juice— or so it seemed. Josh could actually notice a few very subtle bloodstains. 

Was this guy one of his people? He did smell of a killer. Josh happily went toward him, as he began subtly recording:

"Hey there! What happened to the tests? Do you have any idea?" He asked. 

"Test, what test are you talking about?" The man stared at him, showing evident confusion. 

Oh? So he was going to play dumb? There just happened to be an ex-assassin right at the spot of the evaluation? It likely wasn't a coincidence.