Blacksmith Mentor + Apprentice

In the industrial district of Metropolis-D, a youngster was hurriedly carrying a half-naked blacksmith in a princess carry. 

"We're almost outside! Hang on. There will be some fresh air soon!" The wannabe hero reassured the man he was saving. 

Yet, this damsel in distress was frowning, weakly struggling, as he tried to free himself­. The blacksmith still had a bet ongoing! If only his state was better, he would have been able to protest! 

The youngster finally managed to bring his mentor outside their shop. Yes, outside. The poor middle-aged man was now enduring the shame of his life.

The few bystanders gasped as they saw how little he was wearing. Some even nudged their friends, laughingly pointing at him, taking pictures. 

"Master, are you alright?!" He gently fed him healing pills.