Josh vs Blattagriff!

As the giant Blattagriff took the air, its passengers knew they were fucked. 

Josh and orc were struggling to keep their footing. The thing rose so quickly into the air that the momentum had flattened them on its back like pancakes.

As they finally managed to raise their head, they became livid.  The pillar was now becoming smaller and smaller in the distance. 

"Tch— retreating is fucking impossible now," Josh complained. 

At this point, he wouldn't have minded breaking both his legs in the fall if it meant returning to land. 

"Oh crap! Is this how it feels to be on a rocking ship in the middle of a tempest?!" The orc cried out, trying his best to hold on.

Josh turned to inspect his surroundings. A few protrusions were remaining and holes at the few spots they had already destroyed. They needed footholds, or they'd get thrown overboard any second. 

"Let's try this."