
"Thing happen for a reason", thats how we comfort us when things around gets pathetic ,on the contrary we defy the meaing of this same situation as destined to happen with pleasure when they happen to be wonderful.

The way about this situation is that we know exactly what it is that creates a difference whether its wonderful or not.But what to adress when you are not sure thing that happened is gone a change everything in the way you want or the way fate want.

New York,2020

Charollete "Charlie" spencer,burnett, short,fair white ,turning 32 next month,master in theoretical physicist,currently lecturing in columbia,surprisingly single for a women in her 30s,she havent been able to build up with any one and as per her social espionage she only has one friend who's her childhood friend.

Its okay for someone to not be in a relationship but does it make any difference if she hadn't all,that will terrible because a woman in her early 30s and to mention she crosses the "good" line in the rating including attractiveness,sex appeal and adding inttelectual as a bonus.

She is opposite from what a man assumes in a woman from the fair share of romcom,she is critically funny,has an aura emitting beauty and fear in correlated way,she is harsh at the same time caring so in short to describe her,she has the personality trait that can be defined in words as oxymoron in a word.

She doesnt seek validation for her or does require any of a labelling possible of adding her

to a category to meet she cannot diagonsed in to one trait she is the representation of a woman with power with a pinch of feminist soliloquy.

From the outside if omitting the part of a lifetime of not experincing even how to look at a mate with passion her life is ideal.

On the front she is a well accomplished professional,living in a big city without much fear of expressing grandeurs,she emancipated herself from all the loose souls that bind her into wekaness.

In the outside it might appers perfect but inside it has to be something wrong thats what most of the people assumes but surprisingly what perfect life is visible outside,inside is more beautiful and enduering helathy process. she doesnt have any regrets or any kind of self doubt,she always follows her heart and its straight just do what makes yourself happy without hurting others.