The old boy

It was winter began and the holidays started so Charlie decided to visit her hometown in south,her mom and dad passed away when she was 3 in a plaincrash,she only had her maternal grandmother who took her over after the tragic incident.Both her parents where from beaufort,her grandmother is the only relative that was alive and she spents all her holidays with her.

At the day of the journey

Charlie already booked the tickets before a week in advance,she packed all things and was ready to leave.

"Are you sure you are not coming?"

Charlie asked Morning as her home was also at the same town

"No I already have the job it will be over in 3 months then I'll bee free for a while,I'll visit then".

said Morning the tv series she wroking as an assistant is already one of the top rated shows so she doesnt want to miss the oppurtunitty.

"Okay! do you want to get something for your parents?"

Chatlie asked

"Just tell them I am alive?"

She said coldy

Charlied sighed helplessly hearing this.

After bidding farewell to Morning she called Mathew and booked him for the bus terminals.

At the bus terminals

Charlie reached 1 hour prior to the departure she was in the waiting room rwading some magazines she was dressed in a comforting casual manner her hair was tied up as it has grown a bit lately and she was wearing a skinny black jeans showing the proper shape of her bottom and a aqua blue top which was little baggy,with an furry black coat she was also had gloves on with a hat as it was too cold outside.

Many men were glancing at her as she was alone many thought approaching her but somehow the air around felt vold as she was emmiting a repelling aura from her.

"Hey Charlie,is that you?"

Suddenly a man approached her he was tall and had blonde man with good facial featurea and was abput the same age as Charlie.

Charlie turned around and looked at the man and she froned and suddenly remember the face but she was unable to make it

"Don't you remember me?"The gentleman asked,

Charlie thought a bit and then the image started appearing clearly

"You are Ben,right?"

"So you do remember me"

Of course she remembers Ben,he was the first guy who asked her out,although back then there were boys who aksed her out but Ben actually bever gave up on her,he tried a lot all the thing were in vain,Charlie felt bad about Ben,but that doesnt mean she will just accept anything for the sake of that.

"So you are going back to town to?"he asked,its been long since they saw each other its almost more than 15 years.

"yes I have not visited last year,so I have to make it up for that to grandma"

They chatted for a while waiting foe the bus,tbey reconciled talking about the old days although she didnt have intrest in dating him,she didnt treat him badly there were on good terms and shw didnt make any conversation awkard.

After they waited for a while the bus reached there and they board the bus.