A Strange Start

'The Rising...'

An Unknown Age In The Past...

"Looks like... The war is finally over..." A young beat up man who stood upon a grey and dead battle field could be seen. He was wearing mostly broken down armor that seemed to be formed from fragments of bones and seemed to be badly banged up but still managed to stay standing. In his hands he held a massive curved great sword with the number two written across the blade.

Next to him a small creature stood. It was kind of hard to describe. It was like a black puff ball around the size of a small basket ball. It had pitch black fur and a pair of stubby legs poking out of the bottom of it as well as a pair of stubby arms poking out from its body. It had pitch red eyes, and a tiny little mouth twisted into a smile showing off many fanged and sharp teeth, as well as a pair of cat like ears sticking out of the top of the puff ball and a tail coming out the back.

All around the man large black looking creatures that resembled giant bears covered in black scales could be seen, all of them having apparently been slain. The floor was made out of small grains of what appeared to be sand, but in actuality were the dusted down remains of bones. The entire area just seemed to be a wasteland of death. The sky itself seemed to be grey and dead.

"Maybe now..." The man said quietly as he slowly closed his eyes. A small drop of rain fell from the sky splashing against his face as it began to rain. "Maybe now... We can finally have peace-" The man stopped as a strange feeling went through his body making his eyes go wide.

He turned his head just in time to see a large part of the ground rip open as what appeared to be a massive black snake covered in black armor that was melded to its flesh rose from the ground. A crackling red energy spewed out of it as the creature began to expand getting bigger and bigger its stomach inflating like a balloon.

The energy got bigger as cracks began to develop along the creatures body and it let out a loud cry!

"Shit! One's still alive. Damn it's trying to self destruct-"

Before the man could finish the beast erupted into a massive explosion enveloping the land in seconds...

A blast that split the world in two...

Strange Beasts, that some would even label as Monsters... Vast wealth, and all the gold you can carry... Treasures long since buried and forgotten by the world... Evil Ghosts, and Foul Devils... Unexplored lands, filled with uncharted territory. Vast Quests and all the world's Mysteries. Those who find themselves determined enough to go through the trials of hell and discover all the secrets this world holds, and the true secrets of Arcane Energy go by a single title...

They are called...

The Arcane Hunters! Warriors wielding powerful mystical energy, who came together joining groups known as Guilds!

Within this world nearly 45% of the Population has access to a resource known as Mana. A powerful substance found within them that allows them to bend the will of the world in various ways... For many this is nothing more than a way to make life a little bit easier, but for others... It is a gift.

Those who wish to uphold the title of an Arcane Knight set out banding together and forming Guilds, working for the King and Queen of the Country serving the world by going on various quests, and exploring vast dungeons. They are the heroes of this land... Many people celebrate the many Guilds hailing them as saviors and they are vastly popular.


This isn't the story of any of those well known, and liked Guilds...

This is the story of Phoenix Flight!


Age 1981...

Wasteland Island...

The Island known as Wasteland was a very small Nation broken off from the rest of the world. A 'get away' place many people who wanted to live a normal and simple life would go to... Unlike the Four Great Kingdoms, Alnwick, Avalon, Wormelow, and Camelot, Wasteland was separated by the fact that it wasn't associated with any King. Not the Pendragons, not the La Fays, and not even the Du Lac, family.

Wasteland was just a simple island.

One filled with rich landscapes and beautiful sights, but still a normal Island none the less.

Shame about the people who lived on it.

If only they were normal...

"Oddity Beast spotted!" A loud voice announced echoing around the large open landscape. "Getting ready to take him down! I bet this guys gonna taste so good!"

High above on the side of a mountain a massive metal board could be seen sliding down the cliff side of the mountain. Standing upon this board our 'hero' could be seen. Davi Hawker! A seventeen year old boy, who in just a single day would turn eighteen officially becoming a man! He had messy black hair as well as a set of yellow eyes. He was dressed in a simple white T-Shirt with the words 'Rock Star' written across it, and he wore a pair of black pants. But what really stood out was his mouth which was twisted into a smile far larger than any normal humans. It showed off rows, and rows, of razor and jagged shark like teeth. Teeth that just did not belong in a humans mouth. You'd be hard press to find any predator that had teeth like that as well. They were so sharp and pointed it looked like he could accidently slice his own tongue off if he wasn't careful.

"Gramps!" Davi yelled loudly. "Look at the beast!"

Up in the skies the thing he was focused on could be seen. What looked like a large shark the size of a horse with massive bird like wings coming out of it. A Sky Shark, a Oddity Beast that could fly and swim. Usually they weren't so close to the island but this one seemed to have gotten separated from its pack.

"I see it Davi..." A voice announced. The board he was on shook and jumped up from under Davi's feet showing that it wasn't some board. Actually it was a man. A very old man who was super jacked! He stood at nearly eight feet tall and had large muscles as well as many scars all along his body. He had long grey hair and a small grey beard. He wore a strange metal helmet with two broken horns on it. And in his hands he wielded what looked like a large spear. The kind whale hunters would use. "Catch."

Davi landed on his grandfathers shoulder which was big enough to fit him and held his hand out catching the large spear. He pulled his arm back and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them his smile somehow got even bigger as he pulled his arm back as far as it could go then fired it forward letting go of the spear and launching it out at a high speed.

It blasted through the air a dome of wind forming around it before in a flash it burst through the head of the beast faster than it could react. The beasts eyes went wide rolling into the back of its head and it began to slowly fall...

"Yeah!" Davi, and his Grandfather Jin, both announced loudly.

The beast slammed down in front of them and Jin used his legs grinding against the cliff side and stopping their fall as they now stood in front of their dead prey.

"Nice work Davi." Jin smirked reaching out and pulling the spear out. Unlike Davi, Jin's mouth wasn't filled with knife like teeth so his smile looked normal.

"I'm getting better with throwing weapons." Davi noted rubbing his arm. "I'll call that move... Fast Ball!"

"But it was a spear... And everyone throws spears... So naming a throwing spear fast ball doesn't make sense? Davi..."Jin reached out picking Davi up by the head. His hand was so big it seemed to actually be able to wrap around Davi's entire head who folded his arms and let out a hum making Jin's smirk grow. "You've gotten better Davi. You're getting so strong." He dropped the boy on his head as Davi rolled over to his back.

"Not stronger than you. Yet." He laughed. "Give it a while though. I'll surpass you." Davi announced. "Since I was nine we've trained every single day. I feel myself getting stronger and stronger. And thanks to Sissy's teaching I'm getting smarter as well."

"If you think I'm strong now, you should have seen me in my prime. I was at least a hundred times stronger! You know I used to be a Knight of The Round Table for the King of Camelot! Course the days of me being an Arcane Hunter have long since passed." He chuckled.

"Neat." Davi stood up and began to dust himself off as he looked down at his hands before giving another grin. "Yeah... I'm gonna get a lot stronger gramps. So strong I can keep you, Iris, and Gloria safe-"

"Ha!" Jin once again let out a good loud laugh slapping Davi on the back for a moment and nearly knocking his grandson over. "No Grandson of mine is gonna be keeping me safe you hear? It's my job to keep you, and your two sisters safe. At least until your father comes back that is."

"Right... Dad..." Davi frowned. "That's a big if... I'm gonna be eighteen soon... And I haven't seen dad since I was nine... Iris doesn't even know our father since he left before she was born... And after Iris's mother died she just has you, me, and Gloria... Gloria and I, are only step siblings but still..." Their father was certainly a man who got around. He had three kids, Two were his those being Iris, and Gloria. Davi was actually adoptive. Then he dumped all three kids to his own father Jin Law... Davi didn't hate his father. But he held no love for his father either.

Jin let out a small hum scratching his beard. He didn't like it when the subject got turned to his missing son. "Speaking of birthdays... Davi... Have you decided on what you're gonna do when your eighteen."

Davi let out a small yawn and began stretching as he got ready to carry the massive fish. "Don't know. I'll probably just get a job at your dinner why gramps?"

"You know Davi... You could-"

"I don't want to become an Arcane Hunter." Davi said flatly.

Arcane Hunters... They were a touchy subject around Davi...

Within this world there existed certain people who could tap into a force known as Arcane Energy or Mana, as it's also called. Only around 45% of the people could use this however. A.E, or Mana, allowed these people to preform super human abilities, and some could even harness their mana to cast spells, these people often being Wizards, and Witches. For those with Arcane Energy though there was a job many people sought out. One that could only be held by those with this magical force.

The Arcane Hunters.

Ten Guilds formed together that served the King of Avalon. Those who joined one of these ten Guilds gained the title of Arcane Hunters. Arcane Hunters, held the job of exploring Dungeons, unexplored lands, fighting monsters, and devils, and gaining riches. It was the dream job for anyone with lots of mana. Usually only Nobles had access to Mana, but every now and then you got people like Jin Law who awakened mana and passed it onto his children.

Arcane Hunters made lots of Bells, the currency, Adventurer Guilds gave many jobs to their Arcane Hunters, either going on Monster Hunting Quests, Fetch Quests, or other jobs such as working as a body guard for a Noble, helping a person do something weird, or going into vast Dungeons. There were many, many, kinds of Quests, all of them having vast rewards such as Bells, or magical gear.

Arcane Hunters was a job many kids wanted. Most Nobles were also certain to get in due to their massive Mana, as almost every Noble was born with Arcane Energy, despite how hard it would be to get in though that didn't stop many kids from wanting to try.

All but...

Davi Hawker.

Jin frowned staring at Davi. "You'll still be an adult... You don't have to become an Arcane Hunter, but could at least explore the world and leave the island?" He watched his grandson pick up the massive fish with one arm. "Just because you have the power doesn't mean you have to use it for others... You can leave this island and have fun doing whatever you want you know..."

"Nah." Davi shrugged as he turned and began to drag the fish through the woods as he started walking. He turned back giving one of his large grins showing off those many fanged teeth. "I'd much rather stay here with you and my two sisters." He grinned. "Speaking of sisters I left Iris in the park! I'll go get her and show Gloria the fish! I'll come by your dinner later and we can cook and eat this bad boy for my birthday!"

Grandfather watched Grandson, leave his smile slowly fading. He looked up letting out a small sigh. "Why do I have such a bad feeling..."

Over with Davi he moved through the woods and finally exited finding large town sized village with many stone buildings, all of which were very colorful, with bright neon signs, and glowing poles covered in colorful lights. It looked like a rock stars town, over done with large colors and posters. Metal fences, and stone pillars, it had a strange, yet sort of cool look about it. Right outside the Island a large wooden dock could be seen with a simple wooden boat next to it. In the distance a much smaller row boat, with what looked like an old man on it could be seen...

"Hey Davi!" Some people on the island waved when they saw Davi. "Got you a fish huh? Thanks for handling that. You and your grandfather are always keeping our island safe from Oddity Beasts."

"Don't mention it! This island is my home. I'll keep it safe." Davi smirked showing off his many rows of fanged and jagged teeth. "Have you seen Iris by the way?"

"Oh yeah. She's down in the park."


Davi finally stopped in front of a large park filled with many kids all playing around. But it was a young girl at the very back of the park near the edge of the forest that stood out. She had long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, as well as a simple black dress. She stared out at the woods with a blank look on her face. She seemed to be only eight years old.

"Iris!" Davi called moving towards the girl as he waved his hands.

"Big brother..." Iris said cocking her head to the side.

"Iris why aren't you playing with the other kids?"

"A Monster scared me..." Iris said pointing towards the woods. "He was scary..."

"A Monster?" Davi asked with some amusement as he raised his eyebrow. "I took down a monster see." He showed her the Oddity Beast. "See. A Threat Level Baron Class Oddity Beast. This one's a Sky Shark!"

"This monster is scarier."

"Scarier than a Shark that can fly?"


Davi placed his hands on his hips. "You think there's actually a monster in there?"

"He was scary looking..."

"You want me to go beat up the monster?" Davi asked grinning.


"Okay. Stay here Sharky. We'll eat you later." Davi chuckled to himself as he took her hand. They walked deep into the forest quickly getting out of sight from the others in the park. They wandered into the lush forest looking around. They didn't really see anything... "See... No monster here-"

The tree in front of Davi exploded in a hail of wood as a large dog came crashing through making Iris, and Davi stare with wide eyes.

"Oh... A monster." Davi said stunned.