

Davi cocked his head to the side when he saw the man who stood in front of the city gates. A man in armor could be seen standing in front of the gates to the city of Violet. "Um? What?" Davi asked raising an eyebrow.

"No one is allowed to enter the city." The man announced.

Davi let out a sigh running his hand through his snow white hair. "Seriously?"


"Any reason why?" Davi asked letting out a huff as his yellow eye watched the butterfly fly above the cities wall.

"...Well. It really doesn't matter but if you must know the Captain of the Guards, said so. He doesn't want anyone leaving or entering the city."


"A few months back a woman was killed by a man who was able to use his magic to control his bones. A cruel evil man. It is believed he has dark teammates in this city. As such anyone who has dark magic is being rounded up for suspicion of working with him." The guard looked Davi up and down for a moment before looking down at his left arm. "Whats wrong with your arm-"

Davi covered it with his right arm giving a smile and showing off his fanged and shark like teeth which made the mans eyes go wide. "Don't worry about that. More importantly." His right eye began to burn as the white in it became black and the pale milky iris ignited with a red glow giving him a red on black eye. The guard couldn't help but stare at it in shock. "You want to let me into the city don't you?"

"I... I... I want to let you into the city." The Guard nodded his head before turning and opening the gates to the city.

"Thank you." Davi said sweeping past him as his eye returned to normal. "And thank you Devil for the gift." He mused touching his eye.

Davi walked through the city taking in all manner of sights. The city was large filled with many crowds of people. The buildings were tall and reached up to the large black sky above it. Small tuffs of snow rained down. Despite the many walking people though there was one section of the city that no one went towards.

A large stone guard station. In front of the building was several burned down stands. Places where a traitor would be burned at the stake. The scent of blood, and ash, hung in the hail coming from it. It wasn't the kind of place a person would expect a Guards station to smell like.

"They're fresh."

"Huh?" Davi asked turning. An old cloaked man stood off to the side crouched down wearing a long black robe around his form as the snow casted down.

"The stands. Burned yesterday you know. Hard to think this all started a few months ago. Father Darvin used to be so nice. Then... Well now he'll burn anyone at the stake who he thinks might even be evil. Hell most people who are in his group are still burned if they have anything that can be considered immoral. And those are the lucky ones. Some few are taken to the back room. Not even ash is able to be returned to the families."

"You say that he used to be kind?" Davi asked humming.

"Thats right... But when his wife was killed. He seemed to snap-"

"I don't need anymore." Davi said waving his hand at the man. "Dead wife huh. Yeah. That would fit. If I had to guess... Someone evil did kill his wife. In his weak mental state he was turned into a Dragon by the Count of the New World... If it happened recently then maybe the Count is still here and I can learn how he places a Blight into a soul... Whatever the case I guess I know why a nice man went insane."


Davi gave a large smile showing off his shark like fangs and making the man back up. "I guess thats why Fate led me here. Another Dragon."

Meanwhile inside of the Station Captain Darvin took the blood soaked clothes of Sera and tucked them into the floor board where many more female guard outfits rested.

As he placed the board over the hole the door to the room burst open. "Captain Darvin." A loud voice announced. Two men walked into the room holding a tied up woman. "We found another one." He announced forcing her into the metal chair the robes around her coming undone and retying themselves around the metal chair in a single second. "We caught her outside the church of this city using her flame magic to form symbols of the devil. She told us herself she was evil."

"That I did. I've been a bad girl." The woman mused her grin growing. "And I came here to see the big bad Captain Darvin."

"Hmm?" Captain Darvin stood back up and his eyes went wide when he saw the woman. She had short shoulder length snow white hair and one of her eyes was a light green white her left eye was a milky white one. "Leave us." He barked out waving his hand at the two men.

"Captain Darvin-"

"I said leave us!" The two men left the room leaving Darvin and the woman alone. "So..." Darvin turned to look at her giving a smile. "You came right to me huh?"

"Hmm?" The woman asked cocking her head a smile on her face as she stared at him.

"Its been a while since I've seen a Marked being." Darvin said reaching into his robes. "A person like you has been marked by one of the five great Devils. If I kill you I can level up." He smirked.

Meanwhile outside the two men were walking through the station which was mostly empty. "The Captain sure was angry..." One of the men mused.

"What was the deal with him getting mad at us?"

"I don't know but-"

"Hey excuse me!" A voice called out catching the two men off guard. They stood in the center of the station now. In the room now was a white haired man. Davi Hawker. He stood in front of the statue of Captain Darvin looking at it. "You guys work here right?"

"W... Who the hell are you!" One of the men asked alarmed.

"And because you guys work here you wouldn't like it if I did this right?" Davi smirked slashing the head of the statue in half in a single motion with his long sword his right eye glowing as the white became black and the iris turned a blood red.

The two men stared in shock and horror as the cross fell over being sliced cleanly in half. "H... How dare you!" One of the men screamed out slamming his hands down. "Vil Earth Hound!" The ground bubbled and stabbed out forming the heads of several hounds which bit up at Davi who jumped over the attack landing over it and on the balls of his feet with ease.

"Bastard! Row Wind Sword!" The second man yelled out the wind forming a sword in his hands which he sliced down. Davi easily blocked the strike with his long sword.

"I don't know if you guys are evil or not so you get a pass. But if I find out you've been killing people for fun I'll murder you." Davi smiled showing off his shark teeth as he slammed the handle of his sword into the head of one of the men and then uppercutted the other one knocking them both out in one motion.

Back in the room the girl was still tied to her chair her eyes looking around as a small smirk was forming on her face. "So you are a Dragon." The woman mused.

"Thats right. Though most of the world knows us as demons. I am Captain Darvin." He bowed.

"I think it was pretty smart. You infected a nice man taking him over and turning him into a blood thirsty monster. I know all about you. The Count of the New World made you right? He places his Blight into the souls of those who are hurting. Your souls change into monster like forms. You feed on humans evolving off of them and growing your power. You took over the form of this Captain. Using him you use your position to claim people are traitors and burn them at the stake while feeding off of the ones with Arcane Energy in order to evolve yourself."

"And so what if I do." The man smirked.

The woman gave a smile. "Jeanne."


"Jeanne. It is the name of the woman who will render your soul back to the darkness it crawled out of." She said giving a cruel smirk as her left eye lit up the white in it becoming a black as the milky white part of it changed into a red. "Now before I kill you. I feel the need to ask. Do you know where there five Devils are? Or a woman named Veronica?"

"Sorry but no." Captain Darvin reached into his cloak pulling out several daggers which he held in-between his fingers but before he could throw them out the wall exploded as Davi Hawker came crashing in slicing down with his sword and cutting through the blades with ease sending them into the floor and roof.

"Looks like I made it in time." Davi announced.

"What? Two of you!" Darvin asked with wide eyes.

"Actually I don't know him." Jeanne said flatly. "And since you don't know where the devils are... Row Flame Lance." Her ropes exploded off of her as red hot flames formed a lance in her hand which she stabbed out with at both Davi and Captain Darvin.

"Whoa I'm a goodish guy! Chaotic neutral at worst!" Davi yelled dodging the attack while Captain Darvin blocked it with his broadsword. Seconds later Davi had to block with his own sword strike as Captain Darvin jumped through the flames slashing out with his sword and easily snapping Davi's blade in half hitting him so hard Davi was sent flying slamming into Jeanne who was forced to hold onto him as the two slammed into the back wall.

"Idiot get off me." Jeanne hissed, her and Davi's red eyes glowing and shinning together, her in her left, and his in his right.

"N... Never saw another Marked one before." Davi noted craning his neck back to rest his head between her breasts and stare up at her.

"Me either now get the hell off me before he-"

"Vil Dark Matter!" Captain Darvin smirked holding his sword up as the blade glowed and a wave of black energy blasted out slamming into Davi and Jeanne blasting them both through the wall and sending them out into the snow. The two rolled across it Jeanne finally throwing Davi off of her.

"Vil Flame Bow." She hissed forming a bow of flames from between her fingers. "If you're here about the Devils then you can piss off." She grunted not looking at Davi. "This Dragon doesn't know where they are."

"Nah. Not here about them." Davi said holding his broken blade up and staring back at it his red eye glowing. He threw it off to the side. "I came to fight. And thats what I'll do."

Jeanne sighed. "You're the worst liar." She let go of the string of her fire bow sending the arrow flying towards the building. Seconds later Captain Darvin jumped out slashing the fire arrow in half in a single motion as he landed on the ground.

He gave a loud hearty laugh as he stabbed his sword in the ground his flesh glowing as his red eye lit up much like Davi's and Jeannes. He reached up pulling his eye patch off as a red eye also formed in that.

"Captain Darvin!" A pair of voice announced. Seconds later jumping out of the hole in the wall was the two men Davi had knocked out. They drew their swords and readied their spells. "We're here to help!" They announced.

"Get away from him you idiots." Davi yelled out.

"You fools don't understand who it is you're dealing with." Darvin cackled. His flesh began to glow and rot away and seconds later a large skeleton made of black metal stood before them wielding its broadsword its two eyes filled with glowing red orbs.

"C... Captain." One of the men said with wide eyes. "You're a demon-"

In a single motion Darvin sliced the sword out splitting them both in half as his mouth went wide and sucked in a vortex breaking them down to dust and devouring the two men. "Thanks for the food!" He cackled. "We Dragons grow in power by eating foolish humans with Arcane Energy." He cackled.

"Bastard!" Davi yelled running forward throwing out a powerful punch with his right arm. Darvin side stepped the attack with ease and slammed his leg into Davi's stomach making Davi spit up blood and be sent flying back. Jeanne jumped after him firing out arrows with her bow but Darvin was moving even faster now becoming a blurr as he dodged them all. He threw his sword so hard it ripped through the air. Luckily his aim was just off. He hit Jeanne but the blade didn't touch her instead the handle of the sword slamming into her head and throwing her back as she slammed down next to Davi.

Jeanne let out a cackle her red eye glowing brighter. "I'm a marked." She stated standing back to her feet and forming a flaming scythe with her magic. "I've been hurt and cursed. Branded by the Devil himself. I hold the curse of death. Whenever I happen to like someone they end up dead. Of course people I hate also die. I guess you can say I'm someone who just brings death." She announced.

Davi set up covering his right eye with his right hand as the glowing got even brighter seeping out.

'Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live.'

The words repeated in his head over and over again. "S... Shut the hell up." Davi growled. "L... Like hell I'm going to..." His legs wobbled as he stood back up. "Like hell I'm going to just run away and live. You want me to stay alive so badly. Then help me take this damn guy down. I'm Davi Hawker. I was cursed with Life." He announced.

Darvin cackled staring at them both. He raised his left and right arms up as the two limbs melded together and formed into the large barrel of what looked like a massive gun a tremendous amount of mana forming and spilling out of the guns barrel. "If a Dragon kills a Marked they level up. If I kill both of you I'll be able to reach rank three and help the Count create his 'final' plan for the Birth of a New World. Die!"

The beam blasted out firing across the ground at a high speed towards the two cursed humans.

"Looks like I'm up." Davi mused jumping in front of Jeanne and throwing his left arm out his palm facing towards the beam. His bandages came undone showing that the limb was covered in a pitch black muscle looking tendril with many eyes all across it and a mouth on the palm. The mouth opened wide as the beam reached him and in a single motion it devoured the attack swallowing it and gulping down the energy making the Dragon stumble back.

"W... What the hell! What is that limb! It ate my mana that shouldn't be possible-"

"Forget about something!" Jeanne dropped down from the skies having jumped and used the dust cloud from the beam. In her hands she held a massive flame scythe which she slammed down slashing the Dragon in half in a single motion as she came to a sliding stop in the snow a large smile on her face. Her teeth weren't shark like though.

As the upper half of Darvin fell back he began to crumble and turn to dust a memories soared through his head before finally settling in on the thought of his wife. And with that he vanished.

"And thats that." Davi mused. "What a- Hey where are you going!"

Jeanne had already turned away from him and was walking off. "Our paths aren't the same." She said bluntly. "My butterfly leads me one way." She said eyeing up a pink glowing one that floated out of her reach.

Davi couldn't see it. What he did see was a blue one that flew the other way from Jeanne. "So it does." He mused turning away from her and rebandaging his arm. "Well then. Perhaps we'll meet again one day."

"One can only hope not."

And with that the two cursed souls walked off each chasing after their own impossible to reach destination.