Don't Give Up Oliver!

'The Rising...'

In the Captains Cabin on the wooden boat Kaen, the leader of a gang that had been kidnapping people with rare magic, rested. In his hand he held a small green gem. It glowed for a mana as he slowly shifted magic into it.

While only 30% of Avalon's population had the ability to use Arcane Energy for magic, the other 70% could still use items like these. Magic Items which anyone could use. They had a spell built into them already. This one was a simple telepathy spell.

"This is Kuro Dawn speaking..." An annoyed voice said letting out a sigh coming from the crystal.

"Captain Kuro this is Kaen speaking." Kaen said nodding his head. "I'm calling to give you a report-"

"I already know." Kuro sighed. "I'm in the city after all."

"Y... You're in the city?"

"Yes." Kuro let out another sigh before the image changed showing him giving a small grin. "Someone... Someone I've taken a great interest in was here. I wished to see him grow more. Davi Hawker. If I had to make a guess I'd say you'll run into him soon. I wonder.. Against Dragon Dwellers he didn't do to well... Will he be able to beat you?"

"W... What do you mean."

"Don't worry about it... For now just know that you should follow your orders as if I wasn't here... Take those slaves to the Tower... I'm sure our Lord Sapporo will reward you all."

"Right..." There was a quiet click as the image faded. Kaen stared down at the gem before letting out a growl and crushing it. "Damn Dragon Dwellers..." He hissed slamming his fist down into the desk and snapping it in half. "If not for the power of those damn Dark Eaters I would be..." He growled before standing up. "He said someone named Davi would show up... I guess I should get ready. If that bastard Kuro thinks he's so high and mighty I'll just have to burn him alive." He grinned as the flames began to slowly pour off of his body.


Davi, and Tori walked down the path of the now mostly empty street with a mild boredom as both let out quiet yawns and stretched their tired muscles out. It was now mostly night time and the two of them decided it was about time to find an Inn. Tomorrow they would try to board another train and make it to their destination.

Currently they were both walking on the edge of a large stone bridge of the city. Down below was a vast beach, and a beautiful ocean.

But that wasn't what got most people to stare out past the bridge.


What did that was a massive wooden ship that didn't sail on waters but rather rode on the air. An air ship. Something that was pretty rare but not unheard of for transportation of goods. After all what could harm you when you're in the skies. Dragons? Those didn't exist.

"I guess now it's just time to head to Oleander right? And try out for those Arcane Hunters..." Davi sighed.

"You make it sound like a chore." Tori snorted.

"Well... My relationship with them is complicated."


"My mom... My mom wanted me to be an Arcane Hunter. She wanted me to be the best Arcane Hunter and become famous so she could get the credit of making something that was able to go on and become a great warrior. Orion took me away from her and became my father of sorts... But... He also wanted me to become an Arcane Hunter to help people yet... I could never bring myself to do it... Honestly... I know its selfish but I'm not interested in helping anyone or saving the world. I only care about my siblings. I'm only doing this to save Iris."

"Now that... Might be the biggest lie you've told yet. I've seen how you act when someone in front of you is in trouble Davi. Rather you like to admit it or not it would seem part of you likes your dads idea of you helping people-"

"Whatever... When I was a kid my father always wanted me to be in the Guilds... He left our home Wasteland Island when my Step Mother died during Childbirth... He left me, my older sister Gloria, and my younger sister Iris, all alone. Our only care taker was my Grampa Jin... Gramps used to also be an Arcane Hunter for Camelot. He was a Knight of the Round Table."

"Really! He was in the group that King Arthur formed four Hundred years ago during the war with the Demons!"

"Yeah... He doesn't like talking about it much though... He trained me most of my life. He's the reason I'm the man I am today... And also... He's the reason I'm here. Him and Iris... I'll save them both. Even if that means joining a Guild and having to see my dad again... So just wait Gramps. Your badass Grandson will be an Arcane Hunter in no time!" He announced giving a shark tooth grin and pointing towards the sky above. For a moment his mind went to his grandfather. An old man on a Hospital bed with tubes and wires all stabbed into him, the best healing Mages doing their best to keep him alive... "No matter what... I will..."

Tori turned away from him. "Maybe we shouldn't have left Oliver alone..."

"What?" Davi asked turning towards her.

"It's just... I have a bad feeling... Magic Hunters are... Well they're people who go around capturing people with rare magic and sell them to that damn Dark Group Dragon Dwellers... And trust me... I know how bad it can be when they capture you... It isn't fun..."

Davi nodded his head for a moment. "I guess I can get why you're worried about him then. I mean can you imagine what would happen if the wrong people learned that he had Time-"

From up above Cath, the black cat landed on Davi's head making the boy nearly trip. The cat dug its legs into Davi's head making the boy let out a loud yelp as he wobbled and threw his arms out wildly in an attempt to catch himself. The cat began to bark, and meow, wildly as Davi grabbed onto a wall and held himself up.

"Oww what the hell!" Davi hissed out grabbing at the crazy beast on his head.

"Hahaha!" Tori laughed pointing at his friend. "You look like an idiot."

"Shut up and help get this damn thing off of me!" The cat's eyes blinked a couple of times and its nose twitched as it began to nibble on Davi's hair making the boy shudder as he felt its teeth nibble on his skin. "Cath... You got five seconds or so help me God's I am going to-"

"Danger!" It said suddenly in Davi's voice.

"Whoa it can speak!" Tori said shocked his eyes wide.

"No." Davi shook his head. "It's the reason Cath makes dog noise. her Magical Ability is a type of sound based Magic. All Oddity Beasts have their own magical powers, like Hell Hounds with their flames. Cath here can mimic any sound she's ever heard."

"Oh? So who's in danger?"

"Oliver!" Cath barked out.

"Oliver's in trouble?" Davi asked with wide eyes as he stopped thrashing around.

"Hey did you here?" A couple said walking past Davi and Athena. "Apparently there was a boat that, fake Grimval guy was in. It's leaving. Guess he learned his lesson and left our city! Its that flying ship also."

"Flying ship..." Davi and Tori both said as the couple walked past. The two of them slowly turned back down to look at the sky above, and up to where a large boat could be seen sailing away on the winds as if they were water... The sight of it made Cath bark even louder. "Uh oh..." They both said.

Tori was silent as he stared at it for a moment before he let out a sigh shaking his head. "...You're gonna throw me again aren't you."

"Unless you have a better idea of how to get onto the boat then yea. Ima throw ya." Davi said grabbing Tori by the top of his head and squeezing down on it so hard his fingers jammed past Tori's flesh causing flames to seep out which for some strange reason didn't seem to bother Davi's fingers.


Oliver rested on the wooden floor of the boat. He let out a small sigh as he stared up at the wooden steps that were above him. His eyes slowly drifted down to the lightning cuffs that covered his wrists keeping him bound in place.

For a moment his mind went to his past as he began to think...

'All my life...'

"Look at him... Isn't that..."

'Ever since I could remember...'

"Yeah... It's him... That's..."

'Everywhere I went. I always heard them say it... I always saw the look of hate in their eyes.'

"Oliver is his name... He's a part of 'that' family you know... How sick and twisted do you think he is? I hear he wants to travel to Avalon and become an Arcane Hunter... Not even those freaks would accept a monster like him. What a pathetic joke."

'I'm sorry.'

"Yeah he would want to go and join the enemies side..."

'I'm sorry.' Oliver kept his head up as he walked, but he gained more and more attention as more whispers began to surround him.

"I hear that 'he' somehow got Time Magic... Figures his family would get such a rare kind of magic and give it to their child..."


"Magic that rare... In the hands of scum like him... How gross..."

"That disgusts me... A freak like his family... None of them... Deserve to even live! Much less have something like that..."

Oliver began to speed up but the whispers only got louder and louder. Not even whispers at this point... They were becoming insults... What had he done to deserve this...

Well... he knew what he did.

All of his family knew what they had done...

Their crime was being born...

And his crime was developing such a magic... Being gifted something that was able to teach him this magic. This was his punishment...

This was their punishment.

His families karma.

'Everywhere I went. I always heard them say it... I always saw the look of hate in their eyes.'

"How dare someone like him have such a powerful blessing!"

"I hear he can't even cast the simplest of spells. Can you imagine? Even among the lowest of lows, he somehow manages to get even lower. I guess that's Karma for you isn't it. His family deserves it though. Freaks like them... Those Monsters... It's funny. Nobles are all said to have been born with more Mana than any of us and yet he still needs a wand to cast a spell. And unlike the rest of his family he can't even use a sword."

"Stop it..." Oliver whispered stopping in the streets. He said it in a quiet tone so his pleas went unheard.

"I hate him!"

"He doesn't deserve to live."

"Why did someone as evil as him get such a rare gift!"

"What kind of cruel God cursed us with them!"

"I said stop it!" Oliver screamed finally snapping. A bright gray rune, in the shape of a clock, exploded around him... A silence seemed to pass over everyone as the street around him began to became gray and cold for a second. Oliver let out a few sniffles before he turned and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He ran, and ran, and didn't know where he was going, or for how long he was running. Finally, he turned a corner and stumbled into an alleyway, where he collapsed from exhaustion breathing so hard he felt as if he would throw up.

He breathed heavily clutching at his heart. Tears streamed out of his eyes for a moment as he just stared at the ground.

"Why does everyone hate me... I didn't do anything. It isn't my fault." He whispered. He slowly slid down to a sitting position punching the ground as hard as he could and breaking the skin on his hand. "Oww... Why does everyone hate me..."

"Hate you?"

Oliver's head snapped up as he looked around the alleyway. He didn't see anyone but an odd-looking black puff ball cat staring at him. It kind of creeped him out.

"Who... Who said that?" He asked looking around wildly. "I... I'm warning you... Don't try anything or else I'll... Well... I guess I won't do much but at least tell me who it was that talked!"

"I did." A voice commented making Oliver let out a yelp and jump back hitting his head on the wall behind him. The cat cocked its head at him for a moment as it took a step towards the weird boy. "Hello."

"T... The cat talked?"

"Of course not..." The cat opened its mouth and an arm slowly pulled itself out of the cats mouth. The arm was the size of a humans arm but was somehow coming out of the tiny black cat. Seconds later a fully grown man pulled himself out of the maws of the beast. He was tall with messy blue hair and bright red eyes. "Hi!" He smiled giving a half wave. He was in a simple adventures outfit with a bone sword hanging off his hip and a bone helmet attached to a chain resting off of his neck. "Hey listen. I'm not from around here? I live in Avalon in one of the Guilds. It's called Shining Sentinels. I'm here for a Quest of mine that wants me to hunt down a high class Devil Oddity Beast... You know where a Devil is?"

"Uhh... What?" Oliver felt his back hit the wall of the alleyway as he stared in fear at the weird man. "Why did you just pull yourself out of that... I wanna call it a cat but? This is weird? What's going on? How hard did I hit my head!" He cried out.

"Why are you crying?" The man asked curiously.

"I... I..." Oliver stuttered before he reached up to his face feeling the tears that were streaming out of his eyes. He let out a sigh as he slumped down onto the ground in front of the animal. "People... They all hate me..."

"Hate you?" The man hummed.

The cat creature cocked its head at him again and slowly crawled towards him. It slowly jumped into his lap for a moment and began to nibble on his hand.

"It looks like Cath likes you." The man mused.

"Wh... What?" Oliver let out a confused laugh looking down at the weird creature. "W... What is this thing?"

The man let out a hum folding his arm. "Her name is Cath... And she's going to help me save the world." The man held his hand out to Oliver. "As for me... My name is Orion Law. Nice to meet you."

'That's right... Cath...'

Oliver shook his head as the memory faded and he was back in the hull of that boat.

"Cath..." He muttered. "You're out there right? Getting help. Just a little longer than." Oliver gritted his teeth as a small gray spark began to slowly form around the lighting. It took everything he had, as he grabbed onto everything deep inside of him and began to pull on it sweating bullets.

30% of the population had Arcane Energy within them. This Energy is something they can tap into. Over half of these people with it inside of them are Nobles. For a Noble they are granted with far more than anyone else, as well as Master control over it. Oliver however... Ever since he could recall had to always use a wand.


Even if he couldn't cast a spell that doesn't mean he couldn't just try to use his raw Arcane Energy. After all even without proper control he had so much... It would be like sharp shooting with an RPG. He didn't need to have the best accuracy and control if he could just use his raw mana.

"I'll... I'll use the Du Lac family Grace..." Oliver said squeezing his eyes shut as the gray light began to slowly covered his wrists. "Grace of the Undoing..." He said quietly.

"A... A Grace?" The girl from earlier said with wide eyes. "Those are rare... Time magic and a Grace. No wonder they took you."

"What's a Grace?" Someone asked.

The girl frowned for a moment. "Well... Magic has rules... It comes in two forms. Internal, and External. Internal allows a user to use the Arcane Energy to boost their stats allowing them to move faster and hit harder. External allows them to use their Arcane Energy in outside ways by Casting Spells, and the Spells they can cast varies based on the Magic they Know... When casting a spell it must always be said and uses some of the users Mana... A Grace though... It breaks the rules... It's something special. A Gift that one of the Gods give to a child. It allows a person to do something that most magic can't do... Magic can't really bring the dead back, but a Grace could... And when using a Grace it uses the Mana from the world itself... It's basically a cheat as the user doesn't have to be skilled with magic to use a Grace. They simply say they want to use their Grace and the world itself with use its mana to activate their Grace... There are many Grace's and each one does something else... That one was... The Grace of Undoing... The user can undone Magic."

"That's amazing!"

"Yeah..." The girl frowned. "Except the family that has that Grace is..." She went silent as she stared at Oliver.

The gray spark formed a small grey clock around the lightning aging it to such a point all the mana within it vanished as his Grace undid it.

There was a loud snap as Oliver pulled back snapping the lightning ropes with ease.

Oliver felt the smile cross onto his face as he stood up. Everyone in the room was looking at him with the smallest amount of hope. It wasn't much but it was there... "I didn't want to use my family's Grace but I guess it couldn't be helped... Now that I did... If I can get that sword..."

"I'm going to get this ship back to shore," Oliver announced proudly. "I'll save all of you!"

"Who... Who are you?" One of the citizens asked.

Oliver simply smiled as he began to walk towards the door to the boat.

"A Future Arcane Hunter!"