The Blade Of A Demon

'The Rising...'

"Seriously! We're just running away!" A really shocked Oliver asked as him, Cath, and a knocked out Tori, were being carried by Davi who ran as if his life depended on it. It kind of did too be fair. "Isn't this kind of cowardly Mr. Hawker?"

"It's a legitimate strategy!"

Davi announced jumping from building to building at a high speed.

They were no longer down by the beach. Now they were in the city as Davi made jump, after jump, going from roof to roof, all the while the flames of Kaen exploded the area behind him as he ran as fast as his legs would take him.

"Damn it... Kaen is that strong?" Oliver asked biting his lip. "If only Tori were awake!"

"Why would it matter if Tori was awake?" Davi asked.

"Tori's immortal right? He can't lose."

"Oh what am I not good enough of a savior for you!"

"I mean... Currently you're plan is just running away?"

"Legitimate strategy!" Davi yelled. "Besides... Honestly he's a bad match up for Tori. Tori's on fire. The more he's damaged the more mana it takes and too much and he goes and passes out like how he is now... A Flame Type user is basically the worst kind of match up he could have gotten. He's basically dead weight when fighting them since they can just add more fire to him. Doesn't matter if his healing will stop him from burning to death... Put him to sleep and he simply can't do anything to you or anyone."

"S... Seriously? He has a weakness that big... Flame Magic is pretty common... In that case... W... Well what do we do then!" Oliver asked in a panic. "And don't you dare say our running way is a legitimate strategy!"

"It totally is!"

"I'll melt the flesh from your bones!" Kaen screamed an explosion of heat coming off of him as he practically flew through the air be lifted by the fire which almost seemed to form fire wings for him.

"Geez... What did we do to piss him off?" Davi muttered.

"Well besides ruin his slave trading... Also I know him... Kaen I mean..." Oliver said slowly a fearful look on his face. "I was hoping you'd be able to handle them if you could but... You're acting like you can't... That man is Kaen! He was in a guild called the Silver Ravens! He got kicked out though for burning a fellow Guild member to ash! He's been a criminal since then!"

"So he's an Ex Guild member huh..." Davi asked giving a small smirk. "Interesting... This would be a good chance to test my skills against someone who made it into a Guild. But..."

"But he's too strong right..." Oliver asked.

"It's not that... It's just... So far he isn't in the faction I want to destroy so I've been considering just running away until he looses interest on me."


"I guess that sounds weird... But from my point of view we've already beat him. I mean his ship is gone, his friends are all beat up, his slaves are freed, and words going to quickly get around so an Arcane Hunter will come! I mean he's a scumbag who should rot in jail, but I'm only interested in making one group pay so my goal is to run away until this Kaen guy keeps running. If he keeps chasing though I guess I'll have no choice but to fight..."

"C... Can you win?" Oliver asked.

"Meh. 55, 45."

"...So like? Is you winning the 55 or is that him or-"

"No clue-"

A ball of flame suddenly exploded against Davi's back making his eyes go wide as he slipped and fell slamming into the roof of a building dropping Oliver and Tori. He rolled across the roof the flames slowly eating away at his red jacket and back.

"D... Davi!" Oliver yelled as him and Cath ran to the boys side. He pulled his wand out holding it over Davi. "Row Time Reverse..." He said slowly gritting his teeth as a small rune of a clock appeared at the tip of his wand and the flames slowly died out.

Davi set up rubbing his sore and burned back. "Ow..." He groaned.

Before either of them could react though the roof they were on exploded as a force slammed into it throwing them all back. Kaen stood on the roof breathing heavily a murderous look in his eyes as flames wrapped around his body taking the form of hundreds of snakes. "You three are so dead!" He yelled out in rage.

Oliver stepped back fear over washing him. For a small moment he looked back at Tori who was still sleeping, and Davi who was on the ground in pain. The fear he had been feeling slowly faded now replaced with a sense of calmness. "Davi." He said slowly handing Cath to the boy. "Please take Cath and Tori far away from here." He said drawing his sword. "I'll try and hold this guy off as long as I can! Hopefully with the power of this Demon Blade I can-"


"Don't be stupid." Davi karate chopped Oliver over the head so hard the boy sunk through the ground his legs going through the roof of the building they stood on. Davi himself stepped forward and began to stretch as he rested Cath back on Oliver's head. "You're not going to die here. None of us are. After all from what you've told me... We all three got a dream too follow now don't we." Davi said stepping forward as a faint blue aura began to slowly spill off of him. "No choice I guess. I'm gonna fight." He announced.

Kaen sneered. "So you're not going to run away?"

"Nah. Not after you hurt my friends with that little fire stunt." Davi grinned showing his rows of razor sharp teeth. "I'm not a hero. When I see someone in trouble I'll save them but I'm not about to go around and stop massive disasters going out of my way to do so. Honestly I don't really care about your slave trading ways. I only came to get Oliver. The only group I have any interest in is called Dragon Dwellers."

"D... Dragon Dwellers!" Oliver asked with wide eyes. "I know them... They're a terrorist group that rose up in Alnwick and helped the Alnwick soldiers take Camelot... They came in and tore the walls down making many people in the Kingdom of Camelot have to flee here... Dragon Dwellers is also supposed to be here as well but they're engaged with the Guilds... Is... Is that why you want to become an Arcane Hunter Davi? Because you can legally hunt down Dragon Dweller members and take them down?"

Davi didn't say anything as he stared at Kaen who stared back. "So you're only interested in seeking revenge on Dragon Dwellers right?" Kaen asked. "Other groups don't interest you?"

"That's right."

"Then allow me to put your mind at ease. You see. I'm working with Dragon Dwellers. Those slaves are-"

"Say no more. Thats all I needed."



In a flash Davi's fist smashed down into Kaen's face midspeech slamming the flame mage down into the ground. Davi had his large shark tooth grin on his face as he pulled his arm back ready to deliver another powerful punch. "That's all I needed to hear! I was gonna half ass it in our fight but if you're part of D.D then no need to hold back!" He announced slamming his arm down only for Kaen to catch the punch.

Kaen's face twisted into a smirk as he raised his hand up and jammed the palm of it into Davi's gut. "In that case I'll stop holding back as well. Vil Fire Snake." He announced the flames exploding into a large snake which wrapped its large jaws around Davi biting down and burning him as he was lifted high into the air. The snake made of flames, twisted its body around and slammed down into the roof with a massive force as it exploded throwing Davi across the ground. Davi spun digging his nails into the ground as he stopped next to Oliver's body. Smoke rolled off of him and he winced in pain.

"D... Davi please! Kaen is strong! Run while you have the chance-"

Davi once again smacked Oliver over the head.


"Have some faith will you."Davi announced cutting him off. "I'm no hero but I'm not a jerk either. My sister taught me some morals and rights and wrong. She taught me it isn't good to do things for other people all the time as they'll just use you. But she also taught me that it is important to help a friend in need. Besides... You've gone and made me soft by whining about your stupid dream!" Davi laughed.

"M... My dream isn't stupid."

"Well I think it is." Davi stood back up his smile fading as a serious look grew on his face. "Even so... My old man once told me... Dreams, no matter how pointless they may sound. They're important. The fact that you have a Dream is all the reason I'm not going to run away and let this man kill you."

'Dreams are important Davi. We'll never know if we can make them come true until we try. If we stay still, stay in these lands, there will be so many things we'll never have a chance to see or understand. So many things that will never even have a hope of seeing us either. To walk forward. To go on Quests. To save the day. To experience greater pleasure and pain. We exist. So we march forward. So I hope to see the day in which the two of you make lots of friends. I want you to have a great life.'

"I'll just have to beat him." Davi announced pulling his guitar off his back.

"Davi..." Oliver felt his frown grow. "Then in that case! Take my sword. I was told it was one of the 10 demon blades! I can't get it to work but I'm sure you-"



Davi reached out snapping a massive piece of metal off of the sword. "That sword is totally a fake!"

"My sword!"

"It isn't one of the ten demon blades! I kept trying to tell you! Whoever sold you it was a fraud!"

"Seriously!" Oliver felt tears stream down his face for a moment. "But I spent so much money on it! You mean it's just a normal sword painted gold?"


"...Are you two done?" Kaen asked letting out a sigh. "I'm tired of waiting."

"Oh yeah we're done." Davi said turning away from Oliver. "I'm ready to fight now." He grinned.


Davi took a step forward but stopped suddenly. "Oh... And Oliver. One more thing."

"Y... Yeah?" Oliver asked.

Davi held his guitar up as it began to glow. "The ten demon swords you heard about... They're real. And this. Is one of them." He announced as a massive explosion of purple light over took the area expanding out of his guitar. A tremendous force seemed to rush out as a tornado was picked up for a moment.

Kaen growled feeling himself be blown back. "S... So much... Mana."

Oliver let out a yell as he to was blown back but he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He looked up finding Tori was awake again now staring at where Davi was with an intent look. "This is... The second time I've seen him use his swords." He said letting out a sigh. "Damn idiot always showing off..."

The purple glow faded reviling Davi, now no longer holding a Ruby Red Guitar. Instead he held a sword... What looked like a large claymore, but slightly longer, and wider, as if two claymores were melded together side by side. The edge of the blade was blunt and dull not allowing for any cutting. That said the sword itself was clean. It had a diamond shaped cross guard with a purple gem in the hilt. The blade was an elegant silver, while everything else about it was black. Wisps of darkness almost seemed to slowly come off of the blade. Painted on the side of the blade in a red liquid, possibly blood, or maybe paint, a 'One' could be seen as if someone numbered this sword.

"That sword is..." Kaen growled fear shinning on his face.

"Long Calibur. The Expanding Blade." Davi said slowly stepping forward. "One of the ten Demonic Swords forged four hundred years ago by Lancelot. Having this sword should tell you everything. I'm a Finder, one of three people able to wield these blades, and more importantly I'm the sworn enemy of Dragon Dwellers!" He announced firing forward and swinging his sword out as hard as he could.

Kaen let out a scream of rage holding his hands up. The flames morphed out of it wrapping around both his arms and forming what looked like the head of a lion on both of his arms made out of flames. "Ril Flame Tiger Lance!" He yelled out in rage and anger stomping forward as he threw out a pair of powerful flaming punches at Davi who swung his own sword out. His arm went out slamming into Davi's blade and there was a sickening crack as the demon blade snapped his arm back breaking it with ease and making Kaen scream in pain as his left arm fell to his side lifelessly. "Damn you!" He screamed slamming his right arm up. "I'll kill you-"

Kaen went dead silent as he stared into Davi's eyes finding an ocean of darkness. For a moment he saw a looming skeleton standing behind Davi.

"Hey..." Davi raised his sword pointing it at Kaen as he spoke in a calm tone. "If you don't want to die then block."

Kaen had time to raise his right arm up just in time as Davi thrusted forward and in a burst of light the entire sword suddenly grew in length with a loud boom. It was able to lengthen so fast light and sound twisted around it as it easily grew to at least a 100 feet in length blasting through Kaen and sending him flying with a tremendous force. Than in a single second the sword pulled back going to its normal length. And in the next second the sword reverted back to a ruby red guitar.

Davi let out a sigh for a moment before his shark tooth grin came back. "Looks like I win!"

"He'd be so much stronger if he bothered to pull that weapon out more often..." Tori sighed. "Not as strong as me but still."

"So cool..." Oliver said with stars in his eyes as he stared at Davi. "He's... He's so strong. And... And you're strong to. Both of you. I can't believe it."

"I'm not sure if Davi asked already." Tori said folding his arms. "But we'll be heading to Oleander to take the Arcane Hunter entrance exam... Would you like to join us I suppose?" He asked looking away.

"Y... Yes." Oliver bowed. "I'd like that very much-"

There was a loud whistle as the three of them turned and saw several Guards all running towards them many climbing up the side of a building. It seemed they finally noticed what was going on. Either that or they had been to scared of Kaen to try and jump in...

"Oh no! Time to run!" Davi laughed. He ran forward grabbing Oliver's hand as he dragged the boy with him. Tori ran after them as the three jumped off the side of the building landing on the stone road and began to move away from the Guards which all chased them.

"W... Why are we running?" Oliver yelled.

"We sort of caused a lot of issues..." Tori said looking around.

The beach had a crashed boat into it, there were many unconscious Dragon Dweller members, many roofs had cracks and burn marks from Davi's fight, and lots of people were in a panic.

"But that's okay." Davi grinned. "Because next stop is... Oleander City!"

Oliver's smile was even larger than Davis for a moment. He held on to Davi's hand tighter as he began to run alongside him no longer being dragged.

"I did it."

Meanwhile from up above on a near by building a man could be seen. The same man that was in that black suit from earlier. The same man named Kuro Dawn.

Kuro gave a little sigh as he watched Davi, Tori, and Oliver all run out of the city. "I'm a bit disappointed. I thought you'd get stronger Davi... Oh well. I've already learned the identities of your two companions... I didn't want to believe that 'she' was with you, or that 'he' came here..." He slowly turned reach into his pocket and pulling out a small black orb which glowed forming what looked like a large black portal in front of him. "I wonder... How will you do against the Black Knight?"