Trains And Arriving At The Big City...

'The Rising...'

Oleander City...

A Large city bursting with people, as well as the city that the Castle of Avalon rested at.

Oleander was the city the Royal family lived, as well as the place that many young kids and adults would all go to take the Arcane Hunter entrance exam and try to get into one of the ten top strongest Guilds becoming famous magical knights.

Only the best of the best were allowed to enter.

And then...

"God damn it Tori get off me you lazy shit!" Davi yelled throwing Tori off of him and causing the immortal boy to fall into the ground below.

Then there was Davi and friends...

Tori let out a small growl as bursts of flames seemed to slowly seep out of his body, his flesh starting too melt, and he stood back up. "I was dreaming that I was finally able to put out my flames you prick!"

"That's a dumb dream-" Tori's fist slammed into the seat next to Davi breaking it in two. It would have hit Davi but the shark toothed boy dodged it at the last second. "Whoa! What the hell! Don't punch my head off!"

"F##k you!"

Oliver let out a small yelp and slouched down as if to hide from the wrath of the two warriors. "P... Please stop making the immortal mad Davi." He squeaked out. Currently the group of four, Davi, Tori, Oliver, and Cath, were all on a train heading towards Oleander City where they would be taking the Arcane Hunter Entrance exam and try and get into one of the ten Guilds finally.

Tori let out a sigh and slowly rested down in the seat across from Oliver now awake. He leaned forward as he stared at Oliver for a moment making the Alnwick boy shrink down in his seat. "Why do you want to become an Arcane Hunter?" Tori asked after some silence as he stared at Oliver.

"I... I told you earlier?"

"I forgot." Tori said blankly making Oliver drop out of his chair. "Sorry."

"I... It's fine..." Oliver sighed slowly sitting back up in his seat. Oliver let out another sigh before clenching his fist. He was having some second thoughts about the group he now found himself traveling with. Now that he was actually getting to spend some time with them... "W... Well..." Oliver took a deep breath as he squeezed his hands tightly into a ball. "I want to become an Arcane Hunter! A total badass one that all the kids will hear stories about for years to come! I guess you can say I wanna be a hero! But more than that I want to draw the sword in the stone! Excalibur!" He yelled out as loud as he could announcing his dreams to the world.

"Someone as weak as you will never reach that goal." Tori said in a flat tone.

"W... What?" Oliver asked shocked at the mans rude remark.

"Look at the facts kid. No one has been able to draw Excalibur in years." Tori shrugged. "It's a powerful magical blade that sealed the Black Beast away. It's only ever been used by King Arthur as well. They say that whoever can hold it is the new King of Camelot but no one has drawn it since Arthurs death at the hands of Lancelot the traitorous knight. Sorry but a goal like that. It's not happening. Neither I, nor Davi would ever be able to draw it. So someone like you... Not in a few billion years."

"O... Oh..." Oliver deflated at that bowing his head. He looked like he would cry for a moment.

Davi let out a hum. "Tori... Tori isn't wrong... It was rude to say but a fact." Davi said trailing off. "It's true that at your current level you're pretty weak-"

"I... I'm not that weak... You two are just freaks is all." Oliver muttered. "I'm about average but of course I'd come off as weak compared to you two monsters..."

"Still. I doubt I could draw Excalibur." Davi grinned showing off his shark teeth. "So if I can't do it then you don't stand a chance."

"T... Thanks for the confidence boost."

"Don't mention it!"

"That was sarcasm!"

"I know." Davi's grin grew as he leaned back. For a moment though a serious look seemed to form onto his face. "You won't ever reach either of those dreams at your current level of power Oliver Lot. If you truly want to follow those dreams then get stronger. Strong enough to hold what you cherish in your hands. Strong enough to insure no one can ever steal your dreams."

Oliver was silent for a moment. "What about you two... Why do you guys want to be Arcane Hunters?" He asked.

"To follow our dreams." Davi shrugged. "And for personal gain I suppose. It's a sad fact. But if you want to chase after some silly dream then you'll need the power to do so. That said... I think drawing such a blade... Thats a dream worth chasing. It'll be up to you to bring the power forth to keep stepping after such a goal though. It's not going to be easy. But as long as you have power and friends I think you can walk down that road. If you'll reach the end of that road and finish your dream thats another story... But it's at least possible to chase it."

"So... You think I can really..." Oliver was silent but gave a small smile and nodded his head. "Okay then... I... I'll do my best. For you, and for my master. I promise... I promise I won't just chase some dream. I'll really make it come true. No matter what."

"Well now you better." Davi chuckled.


"You went and promised. I look forward to seeing the day you can actually draw that sword. Future King of Camelot." Davi smiled making Oliver look away.

'His smiles so bright...'

Tori watched the two a frown on his face. "Can we change the subject? Kind of starting to feel like a bit of a third wheel all of a sudden..."

"W... Why do you want to become an Arcane Hunter then Tori? I just heard Davi's. How about you?" Oliver questioned.

That seemed to actually make Tori stop. Tori let out a small hum for a moment. "I want... To get stronger." He said going quiet as a look seemed to come into his eyes. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"You're already pretty strong." Oliver said with wide eyes. "You sure you should be getting stronger?"

"...I wasn't strong enough..." Was all Tori said as he slowly cocked his head back and stared up at the roof above. "Not when it really mattered. Not when I needed power the most..." His fist clenched slowly once more as he let out a sigh. "I hated that version of me. So pathetic and useless... I guess in a way... You can say I also have a dream..." Flames began to slowly spill out of Tori's body as he gritted his teeth so hard blood began to flow down his jaw and the teeth began to crack and break. "A goal that I wish to reach... And unlike you. I actually have the power to touch my goal. To reach out and rip that son of a bitches heart right out of his chest and make him feel a fraction of the harm he caused. No matter what I'll ensure he dies a slow painful-"


Davi's fist slammed over Tori's head cracking the boys skull open and knocking him to the floor and also knocking him out much to Oliver's horror.

"Why did you do that!"

"Sorry about that." Davi said sheepishly laughing. "When he gets like that I've found just blasting his brain apart with a punch will tucker him out. He'll be up in a few moments and will have hopefully calmed down by then."

"Hopefully! What happens if he's not calm!"

"Then we're in big trouble."


"Yeah you're a part of this now. We ride this sinking ship together."

"G... Geez... Thanks I guess..." Oliver said his eye twitching.

Davi was silent for a moment. Finally though he reached up pulling his guitar off of his back. He held the thing upside down as it glowed and once more turned into that claymore from before. "This sword... This is why I want to become an Arcane Hunter." Davi said a serious look now on his face.

Oliver stared at the dark blade finding his reflection staring back at him. "You said this was a demon blade... Not fake like my sword right?" He asked reaching down and grabbing the hilt of his now broken golden sword. "I totally could have got a refund if you didn't break it."

"It's your own fault." Davi said flatly. He stared at his sword for a moment looking at his own reflection as well. "But yeah... This is one of the three reasons I wanted to join the Arcane Hunters. This sword is... It's one of the ten Demon Blades. As the name suggest ten of them in total exist. Each sword has its own magical powers. This one here is Long Calibur. The ever expanding sword. It's able to grow bigger. I currently have two out of ten. One of my missions is to collect all ten blades and get a wish granted."

"Wish granted?"

"Yeah. Getting all ten lets you have a wish granted I guess? I'm not too interested in the wish though so Tori gets it. He called dibs."

Oliver's frown grew for a moment. "If they're all these powerful magical swords then why wouldn't the Guilds want them? Demon class weapons are strong." Davi gave a grin as he handed the sword over to Oliver. Oliver stared at it for a moment then reached out. As soon as he touched the blade he pulled his hand back as blood spilled from his palm which was now split open.

"To answer your question... Only three people in the world can wield these rare swords. Those people are known as Finders and there can only ever be three alive at a time." Davi announced. He twirled his blade around as it reverted back into a guitar. He placed his finger over the two purple rocks that were on the side of it. "These here are called Demon Stones. They're what the swords actually are right now. Somewhere in this world eight more exist and only me, and two other people can pick up the stones and use them. When we have the stones we can call forth their power transforming them into a Sword with magical powers."

Oliver nodded his head but wasn't paying to much attention as he was busy trying to cover his now bleeding palm up. "S... So I guess that's why the Guilds don't care. Only you and two other people can use the damn things... So you're joining the Guilds in order to look for these stones?"

"Among other reasons." Davi nodded. "I want to... Find some things."

"Like what?"

"Well... For one I'd like to find the Holy Grail."

"The Holy Grail!" Oliver said with wide eyes. "That's what all the Guilds are looking for right now. It was owned by King Arthur and legend has it the cup is filled with his blood. It can cure any wound. The Guilds want it because the King has fallen into a Comma and they believe that only it can wake him up."

"I just want some of the liquid inside. I need it to help someone..." Davi said quietly... "So joining the Arcane Hunters will let me look for the stones, the grail and... Her..."


"...It's not important." Davi said shaking his head. "Just... Know that, that's my reason. Truth be told... I never really liked the Arcane Hunters. My dad always wanted me to be one, so I never wanted to become one so I could spite him. I still don't. Only reason I'm joining is because it can help me. As soon as I find everything I'm looking for I'm leaving."

"S... So... To spite your dad huh... Yeah I know the feeling." Oliver sighed looking up. "It was with my mom though. She never wanted me to leave."

"Yeah parents suck. Tori had good ones though so at least one of us doesn't have a tragic back story."

"You and him are pretty good friends aren't you?"



"I ain't really got any friends... That said he's a good teammate." Davi smirked. "Super useful as a shield."

"O... Oh... So uh? How did you two meet."

"On a boat."

"...Are... Are you going to say more to that?"


"N... Nah!"

"Yeah." Davi nodded his head after giving it some thought. "I think I'll tell you that story later. Nows not a good time."

"Why not!?"

"Because." Davi gave one more smirk and pointed out the window. "We've arrived."

Oliver turned his eyes going wide when he saw the train pulling into a station.

They've arrived at Oleander City...