The Elf and the Witch

The door opened, revealing a huge, candlelit hall. The candle's floating in the air, lit up the lobby, giving it a warm kind of look. Wizards, wizardesses, adventurers and their parties, students from Vassilis Academy, people came and went through golden-glowing portals on each side of the big hall.

Mira could see a few small cafes at the left corner of the hall, right near the main entrance. There were people laughing, talking, and eating cheerfully. On the right side, she could see merchants selling different arrays of potions, she could recognise some from what she had read in the first floor library.

And next to the door they came out of, was a long desk with a long line of people waiting their turn. Mira could see the receptionists working hard, passing out quests to people.

Mira's face glimmered with excitement, the lobby was truly the pride and joy of the Tower of Magic.

It was loud and cheerful, different from the quiet and dark library Mira usually spent time in.

"Mira, this way" Annette called out, happy to show Mira the wonders of the lobby. "We should get a map, I haven't been around Vassilis in a while, the last quest I was on..."

Annette's voice drifted away into the crowd, as Mira slowly wandered near the cafe, the scent of spices and sweet pastries filling up her head.

She wandered through the crowd, stopping at one of the cafes, called Sunlit Meadow. Mira could see people around here eating Anpan bread and cakes.

She came to the counter, placing her hand on the cold glass, hungrily looking at a fluffy, golden-frosted, vanilla cake, topped with some candies.

It looked amazing, even better than the cookies Ignis would bake for her occasionally.

"Hey! Move it!"

Mira's trance was broken, turning to look next to her, a girl about her height glared at her with an impatient expression. She had straight, light green hair, beautiful peach-pink eyes, and sharp, pointy ears. The elf had a silky-looking white dress with pink ribbons that matched her eyes. It was apparent that she was a noble's daughter.

"Hello? Are you deaf? I'm trying to look at the pastries, too!" The elf grumbled. She flipped her hair back dramatically.

Mira frowned, she didn't understand why the noble had to be so rude. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by another person.

"Danny! Don't be rude to customers~!" Another girl came out from behind the counter, carrying a tray with some pastries on it. "I have you're favorite cake right here!"

The nicer girl had mouse-brown hair and amber eyes, with a simple black dress and apron, she looked kind, and welcoming. She had on a witch's hat, with deep orange flowers to compliment the small floral patterns on the hem of her dress.

"Danny is a bit impatient, please don't mind her!" The brown-haired girl apologised. "I'm Brietta, I work here at Sunlit Meadow Cafe."

Brietta handed the tray to the elf named 'Danny', and turned to Mira again. Danny looked particularly unhappy, glared at Mira, and settled down at a nearby table.

"I'm sorry about that, you were looking at that cake earlier right?" Brietta said pointing to the fluffy golden cake.

"Oh, I was but.. I don't have any silver to buy it" Mira replied, an apologetic frown on her face.

'Pity... the frosting looked so sweet' She sighed internally, about to turn to leave.

"Then I'll give you a slice as an apology" Brietta smiled,rushing behind the counter to get a slice from the display.

'Apology?' Mira was hit with the sudden realization.

"Ah! Wait! I f-friend, Annette, she-" She stuttered, looking around.

"It's nice you remembered me, Mira" A chilling voice said behind her.