Round Two

Maria and Arthur finished enjoying their mid-day picnic away from the prying eyes of everyone in the castle.  When they were done, Maria gave Arthur a playful look before she got up and ran into the flower maze.  He chased after and eventually caught her, and they laughed before he pulled her in for a deep kiss that made Maria's knees weak.

They walked hand-in-hand throughout the entire maze and took their time exploring the infinite gardens.  As the sun was starting to set, Arthur let out a deep breath and told Maria, "As much as I don't want this day to end, we do have dinner plans with the King and Queen."

"We better make our way inside then," Maria said in slight defeat.  She did not want the day to end either.  And she especially did not want it to end if they were going to have another disastrous meal like they had the day before.