Chapter 3

Chapter 3

It was a strange experience, having a girl in my house. I would never have imagined this day would come. But why me? Why me, in the first place? There are so many other boys that are much more attractive and popular.

I shouldn't get my hopes up. She'll move on soon enough.

"Are you sure your parents won't mind?" I don't think she's even called them to say she's staying with me.

"They won't…" she looked away, "Quite the opposite, actually."

I doubted that, but didn't press any further.

"Anyway, I wanna see your room!"

She started walking away, in search of my bedroom. I didn't have anything to hide, so I didn't even consider trying to stop her. I hate seeming suspicious. Plus, isn't it a good thing she wants to see my room?

Walking alongside her, we approached my room. I began to question whether this was necessary. Why does she care? It's not like she's sleeping in here anyway. Unless…

My heart began to race at the thought of sleeping with a girl in my room. What a strange feeling.

I heard a click, and a squeak as my door opened.

I remembered something.

I left my manga out.

And my room was a mess.


My face turned bright red.

Why me? What was decided that would make these events happen? Of all days, why does it have to be today that I didn't clean and left my manga out? Seriously, I thought I had some amount of luck.


I expected the next words to be "disgusting weeaboo". But those words never came.

"You like manga, too?"

She looked back at me with the most genuine smile I've ever seen. I looked back at her, shocked.

We stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. My shock slowly faded. It was replaced by happiness. For some reason, I didn't question her. I didn't need to. I wonder why?

After cleaning my room a bit, it was in fairly decent shape. There was at least enough space to walk without stepping on clothes or manga. She sat in front of my bookshelf, shuffling all my volumes. I sat on my bed, reading the new Jump release I had picked up while we were out.

"Wow, you really have everything. I've never even heard of most of these!"

I didn't read much mainstream manga. A lot of my collection was just one shot and small series I got from a second hand store.

"Feel free to read them if you want. I don't mind."

I'm acting strange. I would never let anyone, especially not someone who I just got to know a couple days ago, touch my manga.

She continued to search through the mass of books, until she randomly stopped.

"Hey, Nimura."

That's strange. She hadn't called me by my name yet.


"Have you ever wanted a girlfriend?"

A strange question.

"Huh? Of course, any boy has. Why?"

She had her back turned to me, so I couldn't read her.

"If you want one, you'd get one. That's all."


"Did you just quote Senjougahara?"

I can't believe this girl. She turned around, holding 2 volumes of Monogatari.

"Your collection is amazing, seriously."

She looked like she had just discovered a gold mine. She looked happy, and so did I. But deep inside, I might have wished she was serious.

This is what happens when I get my hopes up. I'm disappointed.

Time passed quickly as we discussed anime, manga, and really anything our minds wandered to. It was 11 pm already.

"Hey, shouldn't we go to bed? It's a bit late."

"What do you mean "we"? You don't plan on sleeping in the same bed, right?"

Once again, I shouldn't have high expectations.

"Of course I do? Why wouldn't I?"

"Not many girls would want to sleep in the same bed as a boy they just met."

She pouted at me.

"Hey, I'm not complaining. I just wanted to be considerate of you," I said, while shrugging.

"I don't mind. I used to sleep in the same bed with my friends all the time."

"Okay, if it's fine with you."

I gave her a couple of minutes to change, as I went to change myself. My heart was racing. My thoughts weren't composed.

When I finished changing, I opened the doors with my unsteady hands and began to walk towards my room. With each step I took, I could hear my heart beat louder and louder as I approached my door. My heart felt like it would explode as I reached for my door handle. It slowly swung open, and my heart stopped.

She didn't look extravagant, or breathtaking. It was just a simple pair of sweatpants with a simple tee-shirt. She looked normal. Like the most normal person in existence.

We would never understand each other. It's impossible.

And yet, I walked forwards. My body moved on its own.

I got into bed with her, and simply laid there. Like a normal person. But I would never be normal. It's too late to be normal.

"Hey Ai."

Oh. I called her by her first name.


"Is there any meaning in all this?"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll leave me eventually, won't you?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Anyone who's ever gotten this close eventually leaves me."

"Hey. Look at me."

I turned towards her.

"I promise you. I won't."