Two days…

…pass and it's the day of Louisa's coronation and everyone form villages all over are gathered on the ground near the royal residence balcony. As for Louisa, she's in her bedroom, getting styled for her appearance on the balcony before the coronation.

"Are you sure this is necessary? They'll most likely see me without all this anyway." Louisa asks and points out

"This is the tradition, but we could let you wear the dress only, with a few accessories, if you like." The stylist responds

"That would be lovely, thank you. Please, don't go overboard with the accessories; I've never been much of a fan."

"Certainly, your grace."

After a short while, Louisa is ready and walks out to the balcony; everyone is quick to look up, recognising Louisa.

"Is that Louisa, that taxman scumbag?" One of the attendees asks Carrie

"That's Louisa, yes; she saved my home from mass murder and abuse; Louisa is a hero and great leader." Carrie answers

Soon after, everyone starts cheering for Louisa.

"All hail the Queen, all hail the Queen!" Everyone cheers

"Okay, let us be moving, your grace." One of the servants instructs

Soon after, everyone is allowed inside to watch the coronation; after a few hours, Louisa is the new Queen and stands up, for everyone to bow and curtsy before her, bringing a great end to our story.