The sign was not good. It felt like the Gods in Heaven started waving their hands to Kevin as if they were calling the scientist to come to them. Kevin was a good man, so of course, his next life would be in paradise.

But, no! Kris wouldn't let Kevin leave him and come to the Gods instead! He didn't want to let go of his lover!

The tan-skinned man tightened his grip on Kevin's hand as he started transforming into his other form. Yes, he transformed into his werewolf form. His body got bigger as he turned into a werewolf monster in brown fur. He needed to use his strongest power to defeat Kevin's, so he didn't have any other choice than to transform himself.

The big werewolf started expanding his red aura, and the red aura started 'fighting' with Kevin's blue aura. The fight was fierce as both auras didn't want to lose. Kris's aura was hot, while Kevin's was cold. The two auras were total opposite that they couldn't tolerate each other.