Three days after the extraction, Kevin had a meeting with the government representative to formally hand the antidote to them.

Even though he was doubtful about the success of the extraction because his eyes suddenly turned blue, they had proven that Kevin was now a human again. AZURE told him to test it using his power again, and he did as instructed. 

When Kevin tried to transform into his other forms, he couldn't do it. And when he tried to create ice using his hand, he failed as well. Kevin could feel that he didn't have the powers anymore, and he was sure that he was a human again now.

AZURE was right. His blue eyes were just a remnant of his powers that were no longer exist in his body.

They had a meeting in the presidential office today, but the president couldn't attend the meeting. The meeting was led by the Presidential Secretary. He was a middle-aged man named Hans Kiers.