"The Wedding Ceremony-2"

Although the ceremony ended, Ely and Maro could not leave yet. Duke Reismond introduced them to the guests as 'Marion' and 'Eliana' of the Primus Clan because the Queen Mother arranged their new names to be registered in the town hall. Ely and Maro had to be familiar with the names and faces of the people they would be encountering in the kingdom they chose to live in.

The nobles, curious with the newest members of the nobility, swarmed them like bees. But when the Queen Mother walked straight towards Ely and Maro, and the nobles gave a path as if the queen bee had arrived. Everyone bowed at her with respect and greeted her.

Queen Raina stood in front of the couple, then said in a neutral tone, "Congratulations, Duke and Duchess Primus." Pretending not to be a close relative of Maro, she only shook hands with the newlyweds and hid her excitement.

"Thank you for coming, your Majesty," Maro responded.