"The Search"

"You refuse to tell me?" Ezekiel stood up from his seat. He suddenly dashed towards him, and pointed his sword to his neck!

Owen gulped as he did not expect the young man to do such a thing in front of his subjects. He knew he excelled in different aspects, but was reserved and passive in the past. He thought he would remain a snob, and now that he became King, he showed his hidden fangs. Was that all a facade? He knew it, he should have thrown the cub in the sea!

"I will ask one more time. Where are the dens?"

"My answer is the same, Your Majesty."

"Very well…" he took down his sword, "I now revoke my orders to execute the Salren Clan. Instead, execute Owen… no, execute all members of the Pho Clan. Including Princess Rija and Kristov."

"What the hell, you brat!" With a lowered guard, Owen could not help but react disrespectfully to the young king, "You may have received that title, but you are nothing less than a rebel's son!"