
Samson's new room was one of the simplest guest rooms in the palace. Although it had no chandelier or any paintings, a blue-black dado wallpaper covered the flat wall. There weren't any vases, but there was a large, cyan center carpet which gave accent to the whole room. The twin-sized bed had no canopy, but the bedsheets were silk. The room also had a private restroom and bathing room.

Quite satisfied with the room, Marvella thanked Ezekiel. She then offered the wine that she brought, and they agreed to have a glass before they go to sleep.

While Marvella took wine glasses from the servants, Samson told Ezekiel, "I thank His Majesty, for your benevolence."

"You were my little sister's playmate, I had to consider… But it will never erase the fact that you hid my mother's whereabouts."

"But you eventually found her."

"I found her in a dangerous place," Ezekiel furrowed his brows. "Do not make excuses. She would not be in danger if only you had let me protect her."