"Where is the Rebel King?"

"Apologies, but His Majesty gave a royal order, not to let you out of the palace," knight leader Frion said. "Should you escape means we failed to deliver the royal order, and we might lose our positions as knights, or worse, we might face execution."

Of course, Elizabeth and Marvella understood what Frion meant. Deciding to withdraw, they returned inside the palace. As they walked in the long hallway, Ely asked all the palace attendants to leave them alone.

"We won't escape, don't worry," Ely gave a kind smile to them, "We will only visit His Highness Adam."

The palace attendants looked at each other. The King's mother wouldn't give them a hard time, right? Besides, they are inside the palace, and security was tighter than ever because of the king's absence. Convinced, they walked away from them.

"Why will we go to the previous king?" Marvella asked, raising her brows.

"You'll see… Come, now."