"Are you loyal?"

She gulped, guilty about the so-called 'loyalty' that she had. "I… I don't deserve-"

He chuckled, "When I say I believe in your loyalty, it will remain like that. I mean it, Ella.'' Wanting to make her think so hard about the situation, he excused himself, "Take your time, my dear sister. Just choose whatever you want. I must go to the assembly now," he said, even though he didn't have any.

Marvella thanked her brother. She lowered her head in respect to the king, until the door of the treasure room shut. She sighed in relief that he already left. The truth was, Marvella was crazily nervous that her brother would ask her to do something against the rebels. But, he did not ask for anything. So what were the jewelries for?

Was there a tiny bit of chance that maybe she was just overthinking?