Mermaid at the Mall

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Except for the time when I sat at the principal's office with Papa because of that scandal with Camilla, as well as that time when Serena left me for another man, I don't recall a subsequent episode when my mind went totally blank. At least, not until now when Princess Nicolette needed me the most. My mind seemed to be nowhere because my attention failed to bring any stimuli to my conscious awareness. I just knelt down looking at a princess who was about to turn into a mermaid. AT THE MALL OF ALL PLACES!

I had to think. FAST. Or else, Princess Nicolette would be exposed and she'd be the talk of the town. My small town. And that wouldn't be good at all. But I couldn't think of a way to use my magic because we were at the mall. Should I just carry her and run as fast as I could? Why the fuck am I thinking so hard right now when I don't have the time?!