He is not servant


Sanskar : smirks..now I will see your pale and lost face..hahaha...laughs saying it..

Laksh comes to him..gets confused seeing him like this..

Laksh : what happen bhai..you are looking happy?..did your girl friend called you..teasingly..asked him..

Sanskar : shut up..lacky..it is not what youu think..swara company..I mean which she changed from gadodia to shine company..participated in tender..

when I got know about it..even I am participated in this..and makes one of her employee work for us..now we got that tender..I wanna see her sad face..just imagine lacky..how will she look after knowing that..asks him smiling..

Laksh : handsoff bhai..even I want see that.. exclaimed hearing him..

Sanskar : you know what..because of her.. I am did not talked to my darling..she must be angry on me..says acting like sad..

Laksh : well same here bhai..says after him..

Both looks at each other..chuckles...uttra enters in..

Uttra : bhai..I am ready..can we leave..

Sanskar and laksh : where uttu?..asks her..they did not planned to go out today..

Uttra : offfo..bhai's..we are going to do group study..in ragini mansion.. did you both forgets it..come fast..I will be in hall..come soon..says to them walks out of the room..

Sanskar : seems like.. God was our side...says thinkingly..

Laksh : han bhai..says to him..

Sanskar :okay ..we should get ready..says walking to cupboard..

Sanskar and laksh gets ready..and left with uttra..all gathers in college.. Then all left to ragini mansion..from there..

Ragini was sleeping..and arjun sahil and purab too..they all stayed in farmhouse only..because of group study..it will be late if the came her at morning..

swara asked them stay on farmhouse..do not want to rush in here at morning..

Ragini friends are came there..swara was doing something in laptop..when there enters in..

All comes in looks here and there..sees swara..but do not know..how to call her..as she busy in her work..

Swara : you all can come in..says to them...shiv..calls him..still looking at her laptop did tilt her head..

Shiv : ji mam..says coming to her..

Swara looks at him.. glaringly..

Shiv : sorry dhi..says gulping hard..

Swara : give something to them..call ragini and arjun sahil and...purab..and inform them..says to him..

Shiv : mm..dhi they are still sleeping..says to her... cause no one comes out room till now..arjun would have came by now if he was wake up..

Swara sighs hearing shiv..

Swara : looks at time..okay..you go.. you all please take a seat..I will wake up ragini..says to shiv and others.. keeping her laptop a side..

Swara do not waits for their answer.. Left..from there saying it..

Guru : why she always behaving weird..

Sanskar and lakah looks at each other.. they came here in happy because they can see her sad face...but in her no sad..

They all have tea and snacks..served by Shiv..

Ragini comes down.. within in fifteen minutes..

Ragini : sorry guys..I am slept so much...says coming to them..

Dev : it is okay..it is holiday only..says to her..

Shiv : ragini..calls out her..

Ragini : han bhaiya..says turning to him..

Shiv : here your tea..says passing her cup of tea..

Ragini : thank you bhai..but where is handsome..did he left some where..asks him..

She did not seen him with all.. thinks he left some where...

Shiv : no..he did not wake up yet.. Dhi went to wake up them..all..says to her..

Ragini : that means janu also did not went to office..and purab..I kniw he is sleepy head..giggles.. saying it..

Shiv : rolls his eyes at her..you are also one of that..says to ragini teasingly..

Ragini pouts ..shiv laughs at her..others looks at them surprised..

shiv :looks like bhai won't go office today...says to her..

Ragini : oh okay..bhai..

Arjun sahil and purab comes down along with swara..

Swara : comes..sees shiv is still doing work..shiv..calls him..

Shiv : han dhi..says turning his head to her side..

Swara : why are still doing work.. you also have exams na..go study..says to him.. glaringly...

Shiv : but work.. trials out..

Swara : others are there na..they will do it..do not do any work to kill your time..untill your exams are finished.. Come with your books there..pointing to other side of hall.. says to him..

Shiv nods left to take books..he can not say anything back when she told it once..

Arjun : gets call..became happy hearing it...princess...shouts.. happily..

All are looking at him..with their widen eyes hearing his shout..

Swara causally..looks at him..

Arjun : comes hugs her..we got it..we got it..says to her happily..

Sahil : what bhai..asks him confusingly..what we got now..about what he saying..thinks in his mind..

Arjun : that tender..which we thought it left our hand..but that was still in our hand..only..did not gone out our hand..says to him..

Sahil : heyyy..but wait what are you saying bhai..yesterday only we got that news..and today you are saying like this..asks him clueless..

Arjun : it is all because of our princess...says hugging swara..

swara hardly hold the urge to roll her eyes at arjun..hearing it..

Sahil hugs swara... happily..

Swara : bas...now go study..saus to him .

Sanskar and laksh face only became pale after knowing this....sanskar gets angry...but could not do anything..he do not understand why this turned out like this..

Sanskar and laksh are confused and in anger..they are thinking how they got it..

Sanskar : how is this possible.. I am my self done it..then how..says in frustration..

Laksh : bhai..what is this..you were told me that today we could see her pale face..but looks like we are only pale after hearing it..says to him..

Sanskar looks at him..angrily..laksh looks down..

Laksh : why he is looking at me angrily..did I done wrong...he was the one who told me I am just asked him..huh.. scowls to him self..

Ragini : who?..asks him..

Laksh looks at her shockingly.. hearing her voice near him..when did she came bear him..why he did not notice her first..thinks in his mind..

Ragini : what?..asks him..

Laksh : nothing..says to her..thinks did she hears what me and bhai talked..gets worried..

Ragini : here..what you asked me yesterday..says giving notes to laksh..looks at sanskar..

Bhai..are you okay.?..asks him..looking confused..

Sanskar : looks at her with fake smile..ya..i am very much fine..some confusion.. With my books..that is why.. nothing else..says to her..

Ragini : oh that is it..do not worry janu will clear your confusion.. saying it turns Calls arjun..janu..

Other side

Where swara and arjun are doing their work in laptop..away from all..

Arjun looks her..hearing her voice..signals her what..?..

Ragini : come here na..one minute..asks him cutely..

Arjun looks at swara..who are least bothered with her surroundings...shooks his head..went to ragini gang side..where dev ,guru ,radhika ,Priya ,surbi and vaishali uttra sanskar laksh purab and sahil are being seated and studying..

Arjun comes to her..

Arjun : yes..janu..tell me..what do you want..asks her..

Ragini : janu..sanskar bhai..has some doubt on his subject..can you able to help him..with that..asks him..

Arjun looks at sanskar smiles..

Arjun : okay...hi..says to him formally..

Sanskar : fakely..hi..says to him back..

Arjun : you can ask me about your doubts..says to him..

Sanskar thinks..i have a big doubt in my mind.. you all are good.. How could you all joined with her..that too with this selfish woman..says to his mind..

Arjun : hello.. Do noy worry.. Books are always have confusion..for us..I will clear your doubts..with what I know..says sitting with him..

Sanskar nods..does he have any option now..when he told excuse to ragini..

Both discussed the topics..sanskar  understand easily even he studied it was little bit confusing for him.... Arjun stopped in middle..while explaining to him..

Sanskar : what happen..asks him..when he stopped..

Arjun : I am do not understand this one..may be forgotten it..says looking at the page in front of him..

Sanskar : but..it is okay..it will happen..says to him..

He actually like the way he explained to him..that was simple yet elegant..he get it easily..

Ragini : janu ask it to sweety..she will explain...you can also remember..says to them.. hearing their talk..

All looks at ragini ...like are you serious ..she will explain this..laughs in their mind..

Arjun : ya right..princess..callls swara..from there..

Other side..

Swara who are still busy in laptop..shiv was also with her..studying for his exams..

Swara : yes..arju..says not leaving her eyes from laptop..

Arjun : can you please come here..asks her.. hesitantly..he is not sure will she come there or not..

Swara : why..asks him..confused..

Arjun : I have a doubt..in it..says to her showing book..

Swara looks up at him..thinking in her mind what he saying..and he is saying he have doubt with what..

Arjun : smiles..he have exam..please..says pointing next to him..

Swara : shooks her head..placed her laptop on table..went towards him..show me where you have doubt..on which asks him.. when she is near to him.. enough to see..

Arjun tells..her where got confused..

Swara without wasting time..explains him about it..with in three minutes..

Swara : that is it..still do you have any doubt asks him..

She know he is smart.. sometimes it will happen when he was stressed out can not remember it suddenly..other wise he won't need her..

Arjun : oh..ya..I am just forgot that..than..about to complete..stops looking at swara..

Swara looks at him..then left..

Arjun shook's his head seeing her angry expression..he smiles..at her action..even she is cold..she always cute for him in his eyes..

Other side Sanskar and others are shocked.. seeing the way she explains that all to arjun in short time.. and had a doubt or say they have confusion for all .how come she knows the master degree subjects..

When she is studying bachelor's degree..sanskar and laksh looks at each other..with puzzled look on their face..

Arjun : sanskar..I think your doubts are clear..now..asks him..

Sanskar : nods..in mind..how come she known this..even I do not know it..being a...ahhh..huffs in his mind.. thinking that he has to listen her explain..which indeed he understood soon..

Arjun left..and sat beside swara..placing his head on her shoulder..not in mood to work now..

Sanskar was throwing draggers on them..who are looking at them now and then..

Swara was doing her work..without bothering about it..but used the hand slowly where arjun kept his on her..so he won't gets irritaed or disturbed..

About others why will she care..they are in on their own place..she practically less care about people's thoughts..

Shiv : dhi..calls her sounding confused..

Swara : han shiv..tell..says looking at him..

Shiv : Please dhi help me with this....to solve this problem.. I had tried lot..but I could not...says in crying tone..

Swara : come here..says to him..

Arjun smiles in his mind..still closing his eyes..

Shiv comes..to her getting up from couch..

Swara signals him to sat beside her..

Shiv sats beside her..and gave the note books to her..

Swara : step by step explains him..and solved the problem.. See it is simple..says ruffling his hair..

It will looks like complicated.. But in real it is really easy..first leave the worry..and do not thought..you can not do this..get relax..then think how can you able to solve this..then you can solve it..not only this..when you feel like you are weak or can not do anything.. Try this you can do anything..says to him..

Shiv : thanks dhi..I will keep this advice in my mind..hugs her.. saying it..

Swara hugs him back..r

Sanskar was studyingly..looks towards her..seeing swara and shiv hug scene.. Gets anger..what the hell is this..groans in his mind..

And thinks..what relations they all have with her..or else they are doing this all being scared of her..but they all look happy with her..I have find it out..did they know about her that side..I think no..

Because if they all known that side of her..then they can not be able to with her like this..they all are good..I will make them realize she is bad one not good one....what if she try harms them..no..I can not let this happen..

I have to keep them safe from her..anyhow.. Ragini is so much innocent among the all.. And soft heart..after knowing about her..she will definitely breakdown.. He gets worried thinking all this..

Laksh : looks at him..bhai..calls him..seeing him tensed up suddenly..

Sanskar : han lacky..says coming to his sense hearing his call for him..

Laksh : bhai..I know what are you thinking?..says to him..he also watching it all..like sanskar..

Sanskar : it is all look like puzzles.. lakcy..We have to find it..soon says in tensed tone..

Laksh : but from where we can start..bhai..asks not getting where to go and find it all..

Sanskar : do not know..says to him back..he also clueless about this thing..

Laksh mobile vibrates.. He looks at it..switch off his mobile.. sighing heavily..

Sanskar looks at him..seeing him sighing..raised his eyebrow..at him..

Laksh gives..feed up look..to him..

Sanskar smiles at him.. knowing the look on his face..also the reason..

Guru : I am feeling tired..says to all..

Priya : what work you done..for that you became tired..asks him..

Guru : I am studying continuously for 2 hours..says making all laugh..

Radhika : just in 2 hours you became tired.. Lazy boy..says hitting him..

Dev : we all know about him na..why are you both taunting him..says protecting his friend..well they both only boys in their group from starting..

Guru : you are my good friend..says hugging dev..

Vaishali : ya..ya..we are watching it..says rolling her eyes at the duo..

Dev : okay...guys break for sometime..says to all..

Surbi : I want something to eat..says to dev..

Guru : see..I have company now..saying it gives mocking smiles to Priya..

Ragini : okay..okay..wait..you both do not start again..I will get something for us..says getting up..

Swara cross them..that time..

Uttra : why you have to do this ragini..yours servent was studying there na..call him to get something for us..says to her..

Swara : gets anger hearing her..he is not servant here....before knowing anything..or anyone..do not conclude all by your view..it is can not be right always..seeing all by your eyes..says coldly.. Left from there..giving stern look to uttra..