
Everyone looks around like there were imagining it all, it is beautifully decorated for the engagement function...

DP, " Sanskar, did you give this work to the event manager," asked his eldest son...

Sanskar, "han dad, but they told me that they will come here after 12. They did not even inform me about their sudden change," says him getting surprised as well...

Laksh, "it is okay brother, it looks too good. What is the point if they came later or before," says him...

Ragini, " even I like it more," says in her excitement. It was the function she is going to celebrate with her sister like before. They celebrate every festival but their sister won't be herself. But today is different she is back to her old self. Just thinking it makes her happy...

All smiles at her excitement...

Sanskar's mobile rings at this time, he attends it...

Sanskar, " hello" watching it was event manager...

Sanskar, "what? you did not reach here till now, then how come it is all happen???" asks in a shock...

DP, " what happen Sanskar?" asks him...

Sanskar cut the call, " dad, it is the call from the event manager. He told me, they did not come here till now, actually they are just now leaving," tells him...

AP, " then who did it all, no servants are here???" says getting astonished as well...

Uttra, "sister-in-law also not here," says looking at the area where Swara used to sit...

Arjun who was listening to them silently, suddenly, something struck inside his mind looks at Sahil...

Sahil looks at his brother as well realising it, " I think it is my lover, who had done it all," says shocking the MM members...

DP, " what?? this much work? but how come she handle it all herself," asked him getting horrified...

Arjun, "she knows this all from little," saying it he moves inside passing them all, after him, others followed him...

Arjun scanned the whole area, and sees Swara standing on the ladder and thinking about which colour to put to match the decoration, he sneers in his mind, her hand was already injured then also she doing this work who asked her to do this?...

Arjun gets angry, "Princess," yells at her...

Making all worried...

Swara gets startled due to his sudden yell and turns to look at him but as she did, she stumbles upon the ladder...

All became tensed seeing it...

Swara, " ahh" closed her eyes thinking that she is going to get another wound soon...

Sanskar catches her in his arms in the nick of time...

Others rush to her but sigh in relief, seeing her safe in Sanskar's arms. He also got angry watching her working in this situation of hers, he was also going to scold her but did not expect Arjun would react like that and her to stumble because of it. He know already Arjun might react to his anger, he also had anger issue as he thinks in his mind...

Swara opens her eyes and sees Sanskar who is giving a glare to her, she looks at him wordlessly, why is he angry now? thinks in her mind...

Arjun, " why are you not caring about yourself, Princess. Yesterday only you got injured in your hand," lashes out her...

Sanskar puts her down and moved away from her seeing her friends get near them...

Sahil, " I know you do not have a brain," scolds her in anger...

Purab, "and common sense also not with her," tags along with his brothers to scold her...

Ragini, hugs her, "why are you so careless, sweetie?" asked her sadly...

Shiv went to hug her along with Ragini, "sis, you are a big one. Be careful next time. Do not do anything without thinking. I was scared to death just now," tells her in his cry tone...

Swara pats his head seeing him going to cry soon...

Laksh, " what do you think of your self Swara," scolds her...

Expect Sanskar AP DP Uttra and Aunt, others are questioning her...

Swara thought they will stop, but no one stopped, " stop," shouts at them all...

All stop and look at her getting startled...

Swara sees everyone close their mouth, pointing her finger at Arjun, "you listen to me, you are there to take care of me, so, you have to see me after," tells Arjun...

Then turns her head, holding both Sahil and Purab's ears, "I do not have a brain and common sense then where were you both, when it was you both had to see it and do it all.

No one comes so I have done it, after all praising me here you all are scolding me," stamps her foot left from there angrily saying it...

All of them blinked their eyes...

Sahil, "brother save us, her mood swings are dangerous now," says hugging his brother's arms...

Arjun, "even I am too overreacted," says him...

Purab, " brother, let's finish the work, otherwise she will come and start to do it again," tells him looking at the unfinished work...

Shiv, "her brother, you know about her. And you three scolded her. What are you three going to do to pacify her," asks them giving a sly fox smile to his elder brothers. He is excited to see how his brothers are going to coax their sister. It was the first time after her memory loss stated she is angry. In the back days, his brothers can go to any length to pacify her. Well, that was a kind of pampering style. She never needed expensive things to cool her, she liked the simplest way maybe she does not like to see them work more for it...

Ajun Sahil and Purab sneer hearing him...

Ragini giggles watching the four brothers of hers...

Sanskar and Laksh widen their eyes watching the sly fox smile on Shiv's lips and look at each other getting stunned. This little one also has tricks on his sleeves. Look like they have to be careful with him as well, thinking it they again start to look at them...

Sahil, "you little one," saying it about to capture him...

Shiv runs away from him and hides behind their Aunt...

Arjun let go of the little one this time, " Aunt," calls out to her for help...

Aunt smiles, "I know I will make golgappa to pacify her, you do not have to worry," says him before he asks her...

Arjun nods his head in satisfaction...

It takes one work for each to finish it before Swara comes down...

Swara comes down, blabbering to herself like no one comes to see her or make her cool. She noticed all are doing work which she lefts incompleted and Ragini and Laksh are lost in each other smiles but it is fade seeing the ladder falling on Arjun and Sanskar, were those two doing work near each other...

Swara runs and pushed them, the ladder about to fall on her, Sanskar quickly looks up and pulls her to himself seeing it going to fall on her...
