Reopening Old Wounds [2]

The media and the people who were watching from their homes felt sorry for Alex and Lia.

They wanted to comfort them and tell them it would be okay, but no one knew how to tell someone who had just showed up from the dead that it would be okay. Even they didn't know whether it would be okay or not; they were speculating.

"that must have been so hard for you; where were you guys up to today?" Another asked. How were they supposed to answer that?

Alex wondered whether telling them about Giana would be wise, considering the media outrage would spark new investigations into the incident. It wasn't something he wanted, considering he needed to find the perpetrators on his own.

He knew he had no choice when it came to the police, but with information-hungry zombies in his backyard, he could leave Nick and Giana out of it. The duo had helped them in ways no one would. He owed everything to nick, and he didn't know if that were a favor he would ever be able to repay fully.

What was he supposed to say?

How the clubhouse had multiple tunnels?

How had they escaped under the noses of everyone?

How they had managed to run while his sister was hurting and Ryan was in shock?

Or how they had decided on the most remote place to heal themselves and still didn't manage to heal completely?

How was he supposed to tell them that?

"We were in Norilsk, Russia. We had gone to the only place we knew was safer for all of us. The explosion hit miss beautiful, and she fell hard. Upon her fall, she had sustained internal injuries, but without knowing who was after us, we had to be on the run.

We couldn't get to any hospital because that would alert our attackers, and I didn't want my woman dying on me because of some fucked up assholes," Alex strained. He was getting uneasy, and for the hundredth time in the past thirty minutes, he wanted to send these people out of here.

"How is she doing now?"

"she is doing okay, as you can see. However, she still has a hard time processing what happened two years ago. Hell, even I am having a hard time. I don't know who tried to kill us and why. Sure my family is rich and all, but they could have asked for it if they wanted money. I would pay any amount not to have that shit repeated."

"the accident…incident happened two years ago. Why show up now? Why not go to your family when they could have kept you safe and even hired the best security?" Alex knew this was a question that had been lingering in mind for a long time.

Why now, where were they?

All these questions just proved to him that no one cared about how hurt they were. They were here for the views and opinions of the young Garner, and after that, they would always find another story for them to leech off of.

This was just professionalism to them, not like Alex wanted them to care, but the least they could do was pretend to empathize with them. Instinctively, Alex looked at the woman seated beside him, the woman who owed him his greatest weakness.

He wondered what was going on in her mind, whether she was uncomfortable, but he had told her earlier to tell him f the reporters were too chaotic for her but were they?

"I needed to know who tried hurting me and mine. Having my sister strapped with a bomb was proof they were not scared of going after my family. My parents are quiet people, and they love their peace.

Going back home could have only caused chaos and issues that they are not ready to deal with yet. I didn't want to risk my family being in danger. Also, we came out during this time, because as you all saw yesterday, I missed my woman.

She had been in Russia all that time, but I wanted her back home, and the only way she would come home and lead her life as if I also came. The woman beside me means the world to me, and I would do anything for her." He was going to avenge his sister.

He knew it.

Everyone could tell, and the James brothers were proud of him, but for just that moment. The interview seemed to be going on well, but that didn't stop the three brothers from planning possible burial places and cremation centers for their future in law.

They had hated Alex, even when they knew he would never hurt her. Even when they knew she was his ultimate downfall. And their excuse was that a brother was never supposed to like the guy dating their sister.

"that's sweet…however, normally, when people come out of traumatic situations, they go to family first…I'm not saying your girlfriend isn't family, but what about your parents? It seems as though they never expected this to happen" when the reporter asked that, Alex remembered when Lia had asked him when they would go see the family.

She knew they needed to see for themselves that the duo was alive. The Garners had been nice to Lia, and she cared for them. She had loved them so much that she almost forgot her mission was to ruin Ryan through Alex.

They were a nice modern Indian couple that had given her a man who loved her more than his own life. Alex would always put Lia's life before his, and he had shown that more than once.

Thinking about them broke Lia's heart, and now that the reporter asked that, she could tell Alex was already looking at her.

Did he expect her to answer the reporters? That would blow her shy girl cover, so instead, she snuggled closer to Alex, pretending to be weak and vulnerable, not caring that the world was watching and that the critics probably hated on her.

She knew for a fact that her gang members and the second decade were somewhere around here. There was no doubt they had pretended to be media personnel just if someone tried to attack their boss.

No one messed with jay and lived to tell the story.

That's how the world they lived in worked, but for now, there was no Jay; there was just Amelia, a nineteen-year-old with more baggage than the world could help hold down.