

Alex was an early riser, a habit he had developed when he was in charge of the company, and now that he wasn't in charge of it anymore, he would spend the mornings looking at his girlfriend. She looked peaceful while asleep, and Alex wished she would experience this peace for a long time.

He didn't want her involved in anything that was happening in his life at the moment. Sure the probabilities of him finding out who was the mastermind behind the explosion was minimal, but as long as it wasn't zero, he wasn't going to stop.

He would keep pushing for answers, and maybe someday, he would get them. The woman sleeping beside him was sleeping peacefully, way too peaceful that no one would think she had thrown tantrums for a whole week because she hadn't gotten enough attention.

She was almost a baby, but she was his baby.

She was his to love and care for.

She was everything he needed, and right now, it took every ounce of his self-control for him not to wake her up in his own way.

He knew she wouldn't complain, but that was something he was trying to avoid, at least until they had learned to communicate with each other. Getting up, he went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast.

The maids would be coming today, but he had made himself a promise that he would prepare the breakfast meal for his girlfriend. This woman was special, and he could only wish she knew that.

When he was done preparing eggs and toasting their breakfast bread, he gently placed everything on a plate and took it to her, but when he got there, she was talking to someone else, and she no longer sounded like the beauty he was used to.

"get them ready. I don't need bitches on my team. We have eight days, and I swear to God I will make your life miserable if you so much as disobey me. Tell the second decade to get ready. I'm trying to reach Orlov, but the bastard is probably tied up fantasizing about the princess…I'm almost done here.

Now you do your part, and hey…if you fucking Carl me on my direct line and in the fucking morning again, the distance between your head and your shoulders will be reduced real quick. Motherfucker."

With that, she hung up, and Alex was not sure what to do. So, he stayed at the door a little longer, in the hope that he had just imagined all that, but he knew he hadn't. Who was this woman he was sleeping with?

She hadn't sounded like the secretary he had fallen in love with, let alone the girl who was whining about attention earlier. And her voice had sounded so cold. It was almost as if he imagined things.

Sighing in defeat, he gently pushed the door, knowing that she probably heard the scent of breakfast. When Alex got in, he was shocked, to say the least. The woman was fast asleep, almost like she hadn't been threatening someone a few minutes ago.

Her phone was in the exact place it had been earlier.

It was a way too perfect ad for a moment, and he thought he was hallucinating. But he wasn't even drunk, and he wasn't sleepy, so what the hell was going on under his roof? Maybe she was preparing a surprise for him knowing that she always did that shit.


Hopefully, but even he knew there was more to the girl. He had never suspected anything, but after the phone, Carl, he was curious to know more. Placing the breakfast on the bedside table, he tried waking her up and surprisingly, she pretended to be asleep.

Like she wasn't awake a few minutes ago.

"baby…babe…you gotta wake up, love. You didn't eat anything last night, and I don't want you on an empty stomach" she didn't move at all. "All alright, I guess the eggs are mine today", Alex joked even though he was tense as fuck.

"you do that, and I won't attend to the junior trying to rip your boxers, darling", she responded sleepily. Slowly she opened her eyes, adjusting to the lighting in the room. It was already seven o'clock, but she sounded even sleepier than Alex had been when he woke up.


Raising his hands up in defence, Alex waited for the love of his life to sit up and eat. He wanted to treat his girl right because he didn't know when tragedy would strike again. He would always put her first; that was another promise he had made when he saved her from the bomb.

He wasn't going to lose her, but with what he had heard, he wasn't so sure anymore. Breakfast went by well with the duo playing with each other, stealing kisses and being themselves. They were happy, and they looked happy and carefree.

Lia looked harmless, but Alex had to find out shit for himself.

He knew if she told the girl to go take a shower, she would be suspicious, so he let it pass. They were watching SpongeBob while cuddled up, and it was all fun until Ryan called Alex. Knowing he had nothing to hide, he picked up the Carl, careful not to detach his arms from the woman he had loved so much.

"you, wassup. Why you Carling so early?" He asked, clearly not impressed, but he needed a way to leave home without spooking his woman. Never in his life had Alex thought he would ever have to sneak away from Lia. This was just a fucked up situation, and he wasn't sure how to handle it.

"you need to come to your former house. There's something. Also, if Lia is there, please answer with a yes because there's some info on her, and I think you should know about that too."

"yes, I'll be there soon; give me twenty minutes and do so anything I wouldn't." That was the only confirmation Ryan needed to know that she was there.

He had something for Alex, and from the look of things, Alex wanted to leave too. He needed to confirm his fears because if he didn't, he would end up not trusting this girl, and it wouldn't be okay for their relationship.

He didn't want her hurting because of some shit he could have avoided if he had just asked.