Sister, Sister

With Alex gone, the silence in the room was deadly. Even Lia had gone mute. For a whole five minutes, nothing could be heard save for the monitor beeping. Lexi was still looking at her woman, hoping she would follow her. 

The James siblings could just get another doctor, but she wasn't leaving her here. Alexander opened the door to tell Lexi that they needed to go, but even he couldn't believe what Mia had said. Were they forcing her? 

Was this some sort of coercion that they were using on her? 

What did they have on her?

"no," Miranda said so quietly that they all could have missed it.

"what?" Lexi asked, and Nik asked the same too.

"I said no. I'm not coming with you. I have to stay with my family Lexi, you more than anyone understands what family means. I can't leave them now. You can go, I'll see you some other time when everything settles, but for now, it's goodbye, my love," Mia said, but Lia didn't have it.