Of Riddled Hearts and Brains


"Hey, easy there. it's not going away."

"But you will be, in ten minutes."

"I can stay a little longer, don't worry about me. The focus is on you."


"Yeah," Mia said as she watched her woman slow down on the food. Watching Lex eat in silence was wholesome. She didn't realize how much she missed the eldest Garner until she could now see how hard everything was for Lex. 

"I'm sorry Mia."

"You didn't do anything. If someone needs to apologize, it should be me, for giving you the cold shoulder all these months. I know what happened wasn't easy for you, but you tried to understand. It hurts, but I promise, when it's all over, I'll come back for you, Lex.

"And I won't ever leave your side again," Mia said and Lex let out a smile.