The Trust-Fund Kid


[Twelve Years Ago]

"Alexander, you what?" Ryan asked. He was pacing around, making loud steps and was clearly making Alex uneasy too. However what Ryhan had heard was not making sense, even to him. His best friend couldn't be that crazy, right?

But then there had always been cases of people being so drunk on power that their desire to have it all, overruled their rationality. that is what Ryan was seeing with his best friend. he refused to believe that the great Alexander Garenr would ever act like a trust-fund kid.

But hey, wasn't that what he had become anyway?

"I didn't mean to. It was the only way. I didn't think Master Yen would send someone to kill them," Alex said sheepishly, shrugging even though he was tense as fuck. He was worried about the consequences of what he had done, otherwise, he couldn't have told Ryan of his worries.