Chapter one♧

Khalifa's POV


My eyes flutter open and quickly shut when the bright morning light enters them.


My head feels like a fucking grenade. It's

like I'm not just from sleeping. I make a mental note that in future, I will not write my English presentations the day before.

I drag my butt out of bed after throwing my alarm across the room. I feel like a zombie as I walk to the bathroom. I rip my pyjamas off and turn on the shower. I just stand there and watch the water fall and fall with my eyes half open for like forever.

I don't wanna go in...I wanna sleeeep. I wanna sleeeeeep.

Finally I step in the shower. Shit.

'Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!' I scream as I quickly jump out and hug myself. Goosebumps form on my skin. 'It's cold. It's cold. It's sooo fucking cold!' I mutter through chattering teeth.

I watch the water again, give it a middle finger and step in.

So here's what I discovered that fine Monday morning:

One. Zombies probably don't like cold water. And two. Cold water is a great way to make your body think you actually had eight full hours of sleep.

I end up staying in the shower a little longer than anticipated so naturally that would make me late for school with English in the first period.

I get dressed in a flash. But I guess my flash was probably like the Zootopian sloth.

'Khalifa?' My nanny yells from down stairs. You think a sixteen year old 21st century teen is old and wise enough to protect herself from the dangers of our planet and giving her a nanny is utterly ridiculous???

Do me a favour and explain that to Mr. Washington. New York city senator. My father.

Mrs Nelson is a fifty year old retired woman. She's fat, African american and cheerful. She's been with me since forever. Her hair is long but the last time I saw it was when I was five because she always keeps it in such colourful headwraps.

She smells like hugs, sugar and cocoa butter.

I dont need her but...nah actually I do need her. Especially on mornings like this.

'I'm dooooonnnne!!! Just getting my assignment.' I reply. And yes. As you were thinking...I'm not done.

I'm in my St. John's school uniform. It's a simple grey skirt, grey socks in black Mary Janes, white smart shirt, white and blue striped necktie, Grey or navy blue dallas or jersey and a navy blue blazer.

I'm a big dress code offender. I prefer wearing black Nike air force to Mary Janes. I usually wear a large grey adidas jumper instead of a blazer or school jersey. I just hate correct school uniform.

But today I need to look smart. So I dress like a dignified St. John pupil. I settle for a blazer instead of jersey.

I hear my ride honk outside. Damn I'm late. My hair is still everywhere and I haven't yet worn my necktie and shoes.

I dump my books in my bag and race downstairs in my socks. I skip the last two stairs, enter the kitchen and open the fridge.

'You're gonna break your neck one day.' Nanny says.

'As long as it's not today I'm okay.' I say as I remove some left over pizza in a Tupperware and place it in the microwave.

'You know Khalifa I already made breakfast.' I can smell an omelette and bacon. It smells gooood...

'I know but I need a quickie. I'm already late and if I don't go now Hagen won't talk to me on our way to school.' Let me put it this way. Hagen's been my driver since pre school. And he's NEVER talked to me. But that doesn't stop me from talking to him. 'Where's daddy?'

'Off to work. He's been really busy lately.'

'He's always busy.' I mutter. Sometimes I feel as though it's not just my mum who's dead and missing from my life. Even him.

I watch the orange light illuminate the food in the microwave whilst staring at my reflection at the same time. My head is stretched by the microwave mirror but you can still see my features.

I have light light brown skin that's a result of my black mum and white dad. My skin is scattered with a few dark freckles on my nose. I've got a nose ring too. Daddy was furious when I came home with it last summer.

My hair is big and curly. I hardly ever know what to do with it. But today it's just in a messy braid crown. I'm medium height with a fit, slender, slightly shaped body. I look a lot like my dad. Except my eyes and smile, everyone says. Those are my mother's. And I don't know because I don't remember how she looks like.

My smile is wide and shows both rows of teeth and my river green eyes are shadowed by thick eye lashes.

I make silly faces in the microwave mirror. Meanwhile the microwave itself goes...'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...TING! You're food is still kinda cold!' We definately need a new one. I've waited one full minute and it can't just make my food hot?

I'm about to change my mind and have breakfast when the car honks outside again. Twice. Oh no. That's bad. Hagen only ever honks twice when I'm badly late.I dump the Tupperware in my bag, give Nanny a kiss and run outside.

Hagen's in the SUV. He's upset but you can't see it on his face.

Hagen's a big guy. He's got a big brown beard, bald head and he's Russian. He always wears black. He's also ex army.

I run to the other side and ride shot gun. 'Hey Hagen. Sorry I'm late today. I was working on that English presentation. Remember the one I told you about? About Romeo and Juliet? How Mrs Watts almost made me partners with my ex boyfriend? Yeah. And I'm so hungry. Dad really needs to get a new microwave.'

Hagen doesn't reply. He just starts the car and we leave. I'm used to it. I'm sure he replies in his head anyway. I bet he has a nice sweet voice with a russian accent. And I bet right now he's said, 'Jeez your English teacher must be so mean Khalifa. First off Romeo and Juliet? Yuk. Oh I'll get you a nice slice of chocolate cake if you're hungry. Don't worry.'

The only time he did acknowledge me was in second grade when I got in the car crying form school cause this seven year old bitch broke my clay teacup. Hagen took me to the Carnival and bought me cotton candy. So he's more like a Russian gummy bear that one.

I sigh, sit back in my chair and play YNW melly's Suicidal on the car's iPod. At least I know he likes Trap.

I wear my school shoes and necktie as I watch the city zoom past us. Skyscrapers and little corner bakeries. The wide sky and tiny clouds. Sometimes I feel as though the stars weren't aligned for me fairly. I have so much to be thankful for but I'm like a pretty bird that's never seen the tropics. A bird trapped in a cage and taught to say and do different things. A bird that's never used its wings.

Even at school it's hard sometimes. I'm Khalifa the smart senator's daughter. Not just Khalifa.

I want to be me. Without a title or significant role. Or a pawn in someone's game.

I change the music to radio.

'The eldest son of Mafia leader, Carlo Sandrino who was shot two weeks ago...' Hagen turns up the volume. New York has been scary lately. It's like a war going on under the sheets. It scares me cause I know daddy's some how part of it and that's why he's been taking precautions with me.

'The Sandrino family are...blah blah blah blah blah blah de blah crime blah blah sons blah.'

I'm not really paying attention. That stuff doesn't interest me.

When we reach school I get out quickly. Shit. There's not a soul outside. And the school bus is already there. I take a look at my wristwatch. Eight o five. 'Bye Hagen!' I shout as I run off.

I run down the hall, make a quick turn to avoid principal O'Neill and burst open the door of my English class. Everyone's already settled and quiet. Mrs Watts is up front. Twenty three pairs of eyes turn to me. Ssssshhhhhiiitttt!!!

Now would be a perfect moment for me to be abducted by aliens, don't you think?


Wrote this in fifteen mins, lmao... Remember to vote, share and tell me what you think.♡

*crazy heart eyes from @Ali_bee