Chapter three♤

Luka's POV

I don't really know what I'm expecting to see. For a split second I nearly forget why I'm sitted in that dumb school.

The stupid photos Antonio gave me look nothing like her. She's way prettier. Light skin. Curly hair and big green eyes like the Nile river.

And that's not even what gets my attention. Maybe it's the dumb look she has on her face or the fact that her necktie isn't even 90° straight.

I snap out of it and concentrate. In nine hours she'll be dead Luka. And you'll be the one to kill her.

She looks so neat in her uniform and something tells me it's not an everyday thing. I sit back and watch her with interest. Huh. The pictures never showed her with a nose ring.

Khalifa and Mrs Watts glare at each other like medieval enemies signing a fake peace treaty.

Finally Khalifa gets the idea. She walks out, closes the door and knocks. Mrs Watts folds her arms and says with just enough old school sarcasm. 'Goodness me! Look at the time! Who would even think of coming this late! In!'

Khalifa grumpily walks in. 'Sorry for coming late Mrs Watts.' She mutters. Something tells me she's not exactly sorry.

'Perhaps you can atone for your sins by giving us your presentation first. Mr Wesley you are excused for now.'

The chubby guy sighs heavily in relief and resumes day dreaming.

Khalifa drops her bag on the floor, takes out a note pad clears her throat and begins reading. She doesn't tell us how nervous she is or ask for our attention. Her voice is strong, loud and clear. It's like she's not just talking. She's singing her thoughts without a melody.

I know I'm not the only one captivated by it. The class falls silent. The girls who were laughing at her in the back stop and listen . The boys lean forward. Even old Mrs Watts gives her attention.

'Romeo and Juliet. So our question was how did the play make you feel? And what did you understand from it?Well at the beginning of this play I expected to cry like I did when I read The Fault In Our Stars, The notebook and other romance novels. But this play wasn't really written with the intention to make you shed tears at the end. It was written to make you see love for what it really is. Innocent as when they meet. Inconsiderate of what it can cause and selfish as their desire to stay together even in death. Perhaps I didn't cry cause it wasn't in my setting. Make Juliet a sweet teen, Romeo a hot senior who notices her, make them plan to run away and live in Paris...' Her voice trails away day dreamly along with the other girls as some of us guys roll our eyes.

She gains focus again. 'The point is Shakespeare wrapped the glory and curse of love in this young couple better than most novelists have done through the years. You can't stop yourself from falling in love...But when you finally have, ask much are you willing to risk for it?'

She looks up from her notes and finally meets the solemn faces of the class. Khalifa bites her lip and looks at Mrs Watts. I can tell she feels as though she was boring. Like what the major fuck? She was awesome! Everyone's just so deep in what she said.

If I hadn't known better I would've thought this girl once met old Shakespeare.

Mrs Watts gives her the faintest glint of satisfaction. And trust me that's something on that old lady's grouchy face.

Mrs Watts turns to the class. 'Questions.'