Chapter five♧

Khalifa's POV

I don't think I've seen this boy before. He must be new. In the middle of the semester? Plus he's sitted in my seat. But aside from that...he's...well he's...he's really good looking. And I guess I'm not the only girl in the room that is aware of that dangerously obvious fact.

He's tall, with smooth olive skin, and dark hair that's cut on the sides giving you a hint that he's trouble. Very big trouble.

Unbuttoned collar that's strangely attractive and a teasing side smirk on his face.

His eyes focus on me and that makes me nervous. Really nervous. I'm sorry but have you seen his eyes!! They're blue. But not a shimmering bright blue. They're dark. Very dark blue. Like the glowing coat of a jaguar in the moonlight.

His stare dares me to look away. But I challenge him too and continue looking as I raise one perfectly shaped eyebrow. His smile grows even wider at my guts. It's funny how much communication can be exchanged between two human beings in like five seconds.

And how you can forget that you're actually in the middle of an English presentation.

'Ah. Mr Sandrino. I'm glad to see I've gained an interactive pupil other than...' She turns to the rest of the now bored class. 'Some people...Rise young man.'

He stands with so much ease and grace. If it was me I'd have probably fallen over my desk or something.

And he doesn't peel his eyes away from me not once.

He clears his throat. Hah how dramatic. And damn. I don't know if it's biologically possible to be attracted to someone's voice but D-A-M-N. He's got a nice voice. It's deep and smooth. And is that? An italian accent?

'I just wanted to ask...did you read the play?' He says casually.

What? What kind of? Why? What's wrong with this guy? Wasn't my presentation good enough??

'What?' I say. Completely busted.

'Did you like actually read the play on page- what was it?' He turns to ask David Wesley.

David snaps out of his day dream. He's always daydreaming.

'Page one o two. Core literature.'

'Thanks Wesley.' He says and turns back to me. 'Page one hundred and two. Did you read the book? Cause I'm pretty sure everyone here knows the story. It's world famous. You could write a report without touching the book. But if you actually read the play... you'd see that Shakespeare wasn't even trying to show love in any way.'

I'm busted. It's written all over my face and honestly I'm furious. What the fuck. How could he even tell I didn't read it?

The class isn't even bored now. How could they betray me? And for a new guy.

'So you're asking if Shakespeare's play was really trying to explain something?' I say in irritation.

'I'm asking if you read it.'Aaaargghh!!!

'If the play wasn't so special Mr...'


'Yeah whatever. I don't think it would even be in our textbooks. It's simple. Love, like life ends in death.'

'But is love more important than life?' He fires back.

'Is life anything without it?' I snap.

And so we just keep arguing back and forth like that for like five minutes. I find smart comebacks. But he's smarter.

'Perhaps you've been in love?' He interrupts me.

I stare angrily at the triumphant look on his face and say through gritted teeth. 'Fine. I did not read the bloody book.'

He smiles and raises his hands up in mock surrender. 'That was all I wanted to ask.' He sits and I pick up my bag.

'Perhaps you would like to read it in detention Miss Washington. There's a reason I gave you all two weeks to read it before handing in my assignment.'

'But-' I stutter.

'And in this class child, the word bloody is not ofently used.'

'Yes Mrs Watts.' I mutter gloomily. I also have no seat. That jerk is in it.

'You can sit at my table.' Mrs Watts offers. Gee. How sweet.

'Mr Wesley. Up front! And I hope you read it.'

And just as I take my seat in Mrs Watts spinning chair( I must admit that as sixteen as I am I still make one spin in it), I'm quick enough to catch a pair of moonlight blue eyes in my direction for no more than a fraction of a second.


*The smell of an actual, physical book...I got heart eyes for that.*

Love y'all


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