It was a pleasing morning. The atmosphere was a little warm and cold. Reel and Zhang Mei went for jogging in the early morning. But Reo was sleeping soundly. He was sleeping like a baby. Suddenly he wakes up from his deep sleep. He opened his eyes quickly and looked. He pressed his head, it was aching so badly. Of course it should because he still has the effect of wine. He stood up from the bed and startled for a minute.

"Aishh, damn you. You scared me! What are you doing in my room?" Reo asked.

"Your room? Look at yourself where you are," Li Chang who was sitting there staring at Reo replied.

Li Chang was sitting there for the entire night without sleeping. He was keeping an eye on drunken Reo. Li Chang's face was looking like a zombie, the dark circle around his eyes was projecting. Li Chang couldn't sleep last night because of Reo. He was really messed up. So he was waiting for him to wake up.