"Reo do as I say. Spin the joystick for a couple of seconds. Push it up three times then down three times. Toggle it left, right, up and down. Press the button that makes the crane rise and fall three times. Pay for a turn. Move the claw then press the button and hold it down. Reo, pay attention! Do not let go of the button." Reel said and Reo did as she said. The claw automatically grab a teddy and lift it up and return it. Reo took the teddy and smiled looking at it. 

Reo and Reel looked at the teddy in their hand. Reel got a girl teddy and Reo got a boy teddy. 

Suddenly Reo gave her teddy to Reel and said, "This is for you. It will make you feel I always with you."

Reel took it from him and smiled looking at it and said with a laugh, "It's like you. Same angry bird.

"Take it and hug it whenever you miss me so you won't get jealous easily," Reel said giving her teddy to him. Both of them smiled looking at it.
