Am I clear?

It's been only a while since they started walking through the woods when heavy rain started pouring down upon them through the empty spaces among the thin branches. Covering their heads with their hands, they were rushing towards a place where the coverage of the trees above their heads was a little better. 

"Weird, isn't it? From being tantalized for a drop of water, we ended up drenching in many." Claudia commented, chuckling sarcastically upon their state of utter misery. 

"Life it is called, happens." He shrugged, standing under the dripping leaves unconcerned where Claudia on the other hand was trying her best not to get wet even though she was failing in the intention. 

"I don't think this is happening to us naturally. I told you that place was haunted, rumors aren't created for no reason. You didn't listen." She brought up the topic for the first time after they had crossed that threshold, making a disapproving face.