Enraged some, intrigued others

Hurriedly, she was marching towards Khufu's chamber and once she reached outside, the guarding men opened the doors for her without questioning. 

"His Majesty isn't here yet, my Lady." One of them informed her. "I shall send him a message of your presence."

"No need," She dismissed the request and stepped inside. 

The door behind her closed slowly but she didn't move an inch ahead past the threshold. Her breathing was unstable due to almost running here and little beads of sweat shined above her olive skin. Surprisingly not a single wrinkle had dared blooming over her face and it had always enraged some, intrigued others. 

After a little while of standing there aimlessly, she finally dragged her feet towards the nearby sofa and slumped over it, patting her forehead with her handkerchief. In between her thoughts, she didn't know when she slept or maybe passed out while sitting there.