A beloved or?

When Oriya took a few steps towards him, he stepped away with a horrified face. "What?!" 

"Let me do your makeup or they will recognize you right away." She scolded him, grabbing his arm to stop him from moving away. 

"No," He glanced at her face and what she painted above it. Though she wasn't looking bad, he still didn't want any of that to be done on his own. "You aren't doing that to my face."

"Yes," She prepared the tools. "I am definitely going to do this to your face."

"I will cover up my face or something. You don't need to, really." He was still reluctant about letting her use that weird sort of thing on this face. God knew what kind of intentions she had in her mind and more importantly; would it even come off? 

"Do you want to find your girl or not?" She raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes but-"