Poor Princess

"You married a human?!" It was the next thing that came out of King Xerock's mouth after he had revived from the coughs caused due to him choking on the water. "How? I mean…"

"Do you think you are in a place to question me about anything." Hellion retorted through gritted teeth. 

"You need to learn how to talk to your father." King Xerock was visibly breathing heavily as he wasn't used to being disrespected or talked back to. While Queen Florana just rubbed her fingers nervously. What was happening? Everything was so complicated and unclear. 

"Father?" the way he had said the word father was so absurd that it almost felt like a mocking remark rather than a word. He then chuckled slowly. "Well of course I would need to learn about it because I am not used to having a father around, you know."